Sikh Day Parade

The Sikh Day Parade began in the 1980s. It's quickly becoming a popular New York City ethnic parade. More Sikh immigrants have perhaps located in Queens than any other borough.
50,000 Sikhs gather for parade in NYC

(Midtown-WABC, April 29, 2006) - The nation's largest Sikh parade made it's way down Broadway Saturday afternoon in Midtown.

More than 50,000 Sikhs showed up for the 19th Annual Sikh Day Parade.

It ended in Madison Square Park with eight tons of free vegetarian food. The sharing of food symbolizes the Sikh's belief that all people are equal.

Sikhism was founded 500 years ago in northern India.!OpenDocument%26Date%3D2006-04-29+%22sikh+day+parade%22&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=5&ie=UTF-8

Annual NYC Sikh Day Parade is scheduled for 29th April 2006. Gursikhs from all over USA East Coast shall march on Broadway from 40th Street to 25th Street. Free Food (Langar/Community Kitchen)Will be served to all. Please tell your NON-sikh friends also about this event.

27 October 1986, New York Times, "Parade Opens Second Salute to Statue of Liberty," pg. B1:
A group of Sikh immigrants marching down Broadway during the first International Immigrants Parade.

24 April 1988, New York Times, pg. 32:
At Parade
Of Sikhs

As the rain fell on a large model of the Golden Temple, the central shrine of the Sikhs in India, crowds of turbaned marchers stepped off yesterday for the first-ever Sikh Day Parade.
"We hoped to have 10,000 here," Mr. Singh said. He estimated there were 6,000 Sikhs at the parade down Broadway yesterday afternoon. The police estimated there were 5,000 in the crowd. Mr. Singh said there were 7,000 to 8,000 Sikh families living in the New York metropolitan region, a great number of them professionals.
The Sikh Cultural Society in Richmond Hill, Queens, joined with six ofther New York and New Jersey temples to sponsor the event, meant to mark Vaisakhi, a New Year's celebration, as well as a critical day in the formation of the Sikh religion.

On April 13, 1699, according to Sikh tradition, the faith;s 10th and final prophet, Guru Gobind Singh, created the Sikh Order of the Khalsa.