Secret Subway (PATH)

During the subway strike of 2005, many took the "secret subway" from midtown to downtown -- the PATH trains.
Early next morn, picked up my laundry and a bagel on 7th ave., then Jen, Libby and I hopped on the subway and PATH train over to Libby's place in Hoboken. Never been on the PATH train before. It seemed like sort of a secret subway under New York. It was definitely cleaner and I almost felt like I was in another city altogether.,0,5387890.story?coll=nyc-nynews-print
Psst: One train is running
December 21, 2005

Strike? What strike?

There wasn't any strike yesterday on New York's Secret Subway.

"Beats walking," Verizon troubleshooter Steve Solomon announced after he'd plopped himself into an empty seat - one of many - on this perfectly smooth ride from the World Trade Center to West 33rd Street.

The 21-minute trip left him a short walk from his office and still early for his official punch-in time.

"Not bad for a-buck-and-a-half," Solomon shrugged. "You sure you want to tell people about this? You know it'll be jammed tomorrow."

Whatever! There can be no secrets at a time of such general social challenge! Anything I know everyone will know before long!

And that includes the special strike-time PATH train between downtown and midtown Manhattan. It's in service 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. every weekday until the strike is finished. It's one of the best and least-publicized ways of getting around New York right now.

True, PATH's Secret Subway isn't quite as quick as a normal 2 or 3 train, and the stitched-together route does cross the Hudson River twice. But no transferring is required. You can pay with a regular subway MetroCard. And the northern station is just a block from Penn Station, New Jersey Transit and the LIRR.

17 December 2005, AM New York, pg. 3:
At $1.50 a ride, New Yorkers should remember the PATH as the city's "secret subway" from midtown to downtown.