“Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving”

“Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. “frequent naps, such as while driving a car, will keep you from growing old” was printed in the Orlando (FL) Evening Star on January 23, 1959. “Frequent naps will keep you from getting old—especially if taken while driving” was printed in Newsday (Long Island, NY) on May 11, 1959. Authorship of the saying is unknown.
23 January 1959, Orlando (FL) Evening Star, “Gathered in wandering,” pg. 19, col. 8:
... frequent naps, such as while driving a car, will keep you from growing old.
11 May 1959, Newsday (Long Island, NY), “It Happened Last Night” by Earl Wilson, pg. 4C, col. 3:
Earl’s Pearls: Frequent naps will keep you from getting old—especially if taken while driving.
13 September 1965, Oakland (CA) Tribune, “Man Alive” by Bill Friset, pg. 13, col. 1:
Then someone advised Oakland’s Jack Crawford to take frequent naps, that it would keep him from growing old. “Yeah,” cracked Crawford, “particularly if you take them while driving.”
8 October 1965, Honolulu (HI) Advertiser, Eddie Sherman column, pg. B-3, col. 4:
Sam O’Neil advises: “Frequent naps will keep you from getting old—especially if you take them while driving.”
29 January 1966, Indianapolis (IN) Star, The Teen Star sec., pg. 1, col. 1 masthead:
Jolly Joe Says:
Short naps can keep you from growing old—especially if you take them while driving.
2 July 1966, Orlando (FL) Evening Star, “On the Town” by Jean Yothers, pg. 1-B, col. 1:
I WISH I’D SAID THAT: Frequent naps keep you from growing old, says a medical authority. Especially if you take them while driving this Fourth of July weekend.
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20,000 Quips & Quotes
By Evan Esar
New York, NY: Barnes & Noble Books
1995, ©1968
Pg. 741:
Frequent naps will keep you from getting old, especially if you take them while driving.
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The 1,400 Greatest Quotes of All Time in 140 Characters or Less

Compiled and edited by Sayre Van Young and Marin Van Young
Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press
Pg. 146:
Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving.
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5,000 Sidesplitting Jokes and One-Liners
Compiled by Grant Tucker
London, UK: Biteback Publishing Ltd.
Pg. ?:
Regular naps prevent ageing. Especially if you take them while driving.
Regular naps prevent old age .... Especially if you take them while driving!!  -  unk #humor #older #driving #nap
12:30 AM - 8 May 2019