“My other ride is a dragon boat” (bumper sticker)

“My other ride is a dragon” (or “My other car is a dragon”) is a bumper sticker saying that has been printed on many images.
“I have a license plate surround that says “‘My other car is a dragon’” was posted on the newsgroup alt.fan.pern on February 20, 1997. “I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get a bumper sticker saying (...) ‘My other car is a dragon-boat’” was posted on the newsgroup rec.games.computer.ultima.online on March 25, 1998. “There’s a licence plate holder that read ‘My other car is a dragon’” was posted on the newsgroup alt.fan.dragons on September 6, 2004. “My other car is a dragon boat” was printed in the Seattle (WA) Times on September 3, 2005. “How many people will have ‘My Other Car Is A Dragon’ bumper stickers?” was posted on Facebook by Matt Walker on November 11, 2008. “Best bumper sticker: ‘my other car is a dragonboat’” was posted on X/Twitterby tatortosh on October 16, 2010.
“i’m also proud to say that my other ride is a dragon” was posted on Facebook by Paul Kodack on December 21, 2006. “I would love to find/make a bumper sticker that says ‘My other ride is a dragon’” was posted on Facebook by Crunk Witch on July 15, 2011. “My Other Ride is a Dragon Boat” was posted on Facebook by Rainbow Region Dragon Boat Club on March 29, 2013. “My other ride is a Dragon Boat!” was posted on Facebook by Luz Ross on March 30, 2013. “saw a bumper sticker that said ‘My other ride is a Dragon’” was posted on Facebook by Rylee Porter on October 29, 2014.
“My other car is a Porsche” is a bumper sticker saying fom 1979.
Wikipedia: Dragon boat
A dragon boat is a human-powered watercraft originating from the Pearl River Delta region of China’s southern Guangdong Province. These were made of teak, but in other parts of China different kinds of wood are used. It is one of a family of traditional paddled long boats found throughout Asia, Africa, the Pacific islands, and Puerto Rico. The sport of dragon boat racing has its roots in an ancient folk ritual of contending villagers, which dates back 2000 years throughout southern China, and even further to the original games of Olympia in ancient Greece.
Google Groups: alt.fan.pern
Seen any Pern License Plates?
Joanna Bare
Feb 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM
I did see one that might have been a Pern license plate in the DC area, but didn’t recognize the dragon’s name. (Nor can I currently remember what it was.)
On a similar theme, I have a license plate surround that says “My other car is a dragon.” I like it. Even if mom did ask, “Is a Dragon some fancy kind of car?” Doh!
Google Groups: rec.games.computer.ultima.online
Bumper Stickers
John Wagner
Mar 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM
I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get a bumper sticker saying
‘My son is a Great Lord PK anti-PK in the MiTH guild.’
‘My other car is a dragon-boat’
Google Goups: alt.fan.dragons
Dragon bumper stickers
Sep 6, 2004, 3:16:38 PM
There’s a licence plate holder that read “My other car is a dragon.” And to
think I’d thought of it, and /then/ saw it (but haven’t found it for sale).
3 September 2005, Seattle (WA) Times, “Dragons to paddle hard for a good cause” by Sherry Grindeland, pg. B3:
It reads: “My other car is a dragon boat.”
Paul Kodack
December 21, 2006 at 2:57 PM ·
i’m also proud to say that my other ride is a dragon
Matt Walker
November 11, 2008 at 2:26 PM ·
How many people will have “My Other Car Is A Dragon” bumper stickers?
#bumperstickers “my other car is a dragon boat” WTF?
7:34 AM · Dec 18, 2008
Big Mikey
yeah…...well, my other car is a DRAGON!!!1!!
7:00 PM · Oct 27, 2009
My other car is a dragon http://www.is.gd/6JFCU
8:39 AM · Jan 21, 2010
Best bumper sticker: “my other car is a dragonboat”
6:59 PM · Oct 16, 2010
Kelly A. Tyson
Bumper sticker on the 401: “my other car is a dragon boat” right beside “pimp”. #sickwheels #roadie with
6:14 PM · Mar 13, 2011
Crunk Witch
July 15, 2011 at 3:52 PM ·
I would love to find/make a bumper sticker that says “My other ride is a dragon”
Ty Anderson
“My other car is a dragon” is an effective bumper sticker in the sense that it also told me your relationship status.
1:23 AM · Aug 10, 2011
Allyse Priest
Bumper sticker on the car infront of me “my other car is a dragon boat” #keepingportlandweird
12:43 PM · Aug 22, 2011
@normmacdonald “My other car is a dragon.” Funny bumpersticker
4:23 PM · Sep 29, 2011
Thomas Yoste
“my other car is a dragon” bumper sticker #geed
1:44 PM · Feb 17, 2012
Uncle Al
@kalalias @Cmoonsenem my other car is a dragonboat
(This is shown on a sticker.—ed.)
1:31 AM · Jan 22, 2012
Rainbow Region Dragon Boat Club
March 29, 2013 at 2:04 AM ·
RRDBC Bumper Sticker..time is running out so make sure you email Juliette with your preferences.  Here is the short list:
My Other Ride is a Dragon Boat
Luz Ross
March 30, 2013 at 2:25 PM ·
My other ride is a Dragon Boat!
Rylee Porter
October 29, 2014 at 4:28 PM ·
saw a bumper sticker that said “My other ride is a Dragon”
so awesome. I want one.
Clotee T-Shirt Store
T-Shirt My Other Car Is A Dragon https://is.gd/zHh4sc #giveaway #contest #sweeptakes #blackfriday #tumblrtshirt
(A T-shirt is shown.—ed.)
10:04 PM · Aug 11, 2018
A.C. Merkel
Your TARDIS bumper sticker…
“My other ride’s a dragon.”
As for CRISPR that’s the dragon’s nickname… (amirite?) 🤣
10:42 PM · Aug 29, 2022
My other ride is a dragon!
9:42 AM · Sep 10, 2022
☘︎ 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚏𝚞𝚛 ☘︎
My Other Ride Is A Dragon Bumper Sticker🐲🌈✨
(A bumper sticker is shown.—ed.)
9:30 AM · Dec 10, 2022

<---- would wear a "My other ride is a dragon" t-shirt, regardless of how little sense that makes to be on a heckin t-shirt.
9:00 PM · Jan 16, 2023

Daniel Watts
Bumper sticker reading “my other car is a dragon.”
8:34 AM · Jan 21, 2025