Muslim Day Parade

The annual United American Muslim Day Parade takes place the last week in September.
Muslim Foundation of America, (MFA) Inc.

For Immediate Release

On Sunday September 25, 2005 the Muslim Foundation of America, Inc. will sponsor their 20th Annual United American Muslim Day Parade. The parade will begin at 12:00 noon on 41st Street and Madison Avenue and end at 23rd Street, along Madison Avenue in the Borough of Manhattan, in New York City.

The purpose of the United American Muslim Day Parade is to bring communities of various ethnic and religious groups together to promote a better understanding of Islam and to foster interfaith cooperation between Muslim and all other religious/community groups. The theme for this year's parade is "American Muslims Moving Together

Embracing Communities and Other People of Faith".

All are invited to participate in this global event with floats, banners and placards that contain universal messages (slogans) of peace, unity and justice. Participating organizations are encouraged to join regular planning committee meetings, for further information please contact:

Ainul Haque, Chairman - (718) 777-5563
Khaled Lamada, Co-Chairman - (917) 770-3505
Imam Shamsi Ali, Co-Chairman - (917) 518-4083
United Muslim Day Parade
Last Sunday in September, 12:00 noon
Begins at 41st and Madison Ave., ends at 23rd and Madison

The annual Muslim Day Parade began in 1985 and brings together communities of various ethnic and religious groups to promote a better understanding of Islam and to foster interfaith cooperation between Muslim and all other religious/community groups. All are invited to participate in this global event replete with floats, banners and placards that contain universal messages of peace, unity and justice.

For more information: Muslim Foundation of America, Inc., 718-777-5563, 718-538-4708