Midtown International Theatre Festival

The Midtown International Theatre Festival began in 2000 and is held in midtown Manhattan (above 14th Street).

July 17th-August 6th, 2006
The Seventh Annual Midtown Theatre Festival

Who we are
The Midtown International Theatre Festival (MITF) is the brainchild of John Chatterton, publisher and editor of OOBR ("the off-off-broadway review"). Chatterton started the MITF as a way to present the finest Off-Off-Broadway talent in convenience, comfort, and safety. For eleven seasons, oobr has been passing judgment on Off-Off-Broadway theatre; now, as he says, he is putting his money where his mouth is.

In addition to Chatterton, executive producer and artistic director, MITF's management team comprises Emily Pedigo, production manager; Judd Hollander of Bunch of People Productions, press and publicity; a yet-to-be-named co-artistic director international plays); Glory Sims Bowen, co-artistic director (non-musical plays); and Cheryl King, co-artistic director (solo plays). Scripts are selected by the artistic directors in consultation with the other members of the management team.