“Litter Stops Here”

“Litter Stops Here” is the slogan that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority developed in 2011 to advertise on its black trash cans.
New York (NY) Times—City Room
April 18, 2011, 1:30 pm
Same Old Garbage, but a Crisp New Slogan
Say hello to the latest salvo in the subway’s long-running War on Trash.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has quietly started plastering thousands of the subway system’s black trash cans with a newly configured decal anchored by the slogan “Litter Stops Here.”
The new trash can design was introduced at Bowling Green and Whitehall in February.  It will be rolled out on 5,000 garbage cans throughout the system over the next six months.
MTA Trashes Wordy Old Garbage Cans
By Garth Johnston in News on April 18, 2011 6:36 PM
The MTA’s constant battle with signage has claimed another victim. “Can It For A Greener Planet” trash cans, we hardly knew ye. Since February the MTA has slowly been rolling out a new, less wordy, garbage can decal that instead just says “Litter Stops Here.” By the end of the year there should be 5,000 of the new cans in the system, according to the Times. The better to fill the garbage train!
“Litter stops here” until it’s completely full and no one comes to empty it, and then litter will once again stop all over the platform and the tracks.