“I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks, but all their roads have this weird design flaw”
“All roads lead to Rome” is an idiom that means that all paths have the same goal. In some jokes, however, the phrase is taken literally.
“I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks but all their roads have this weird design flaw” was posted on X/Twittev by Spazio🇵🇸 on December 30, 2014, and this received over 4,400 likes.
Wiktionary: all roads lead to Rome
Modern wording of medieval sentiment; apparently originally a reference to Roman roads generally and the Milliarium Aureum (Golden Milestone) specifically.
Appears in the Latin form mīlle viae dūcunt hominēs per saecula Rōmam (“a thousand roads lead men forever to Rome”) in Liber Parabolarum, 591 (1175), by Alain de Lille.
The earliest English form appears to be “right as diverse pathes leden the folk the righte wey to Rome”, in A Treatise on the Astrolabe (Prologue, ll. 39–40), 1391, by Geoffrey Chaucer.
all roads lead to Rome
1. (idiomatic) Different paths can take one to the same goal.
William Brazill
“They say all roads lead to Rome,” Trevor said. “I don’t want to go to Rome,” Jenna objected. “I’m trying to leave Rome.”
1:13 PM · Dec 27, 2010
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks but all their roads have this weird design flaw.
5:02 AM · Dec 30, 2014
Faisal Haq
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks,,, but all their roads have this weird design flaw.
10:27 PM · Aug 19, 2015
The trick is to walk backwards. “@Spaziotwat: I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks but all their roads have this weird design flaw.”
8:41 AM · Dec 19, 2015
Jokey McJokeFace
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks but all their roads have this weird design flaw.
10:42 PM · May 22, 2018
Wage System Abolisher
roaringstream: I’ve been trying to leave Rome for a few weeks now, but all their roads have this weird… https://tmblr.co/ZeS2JZ2eSv7dh
6:28 PM · Dec 6, 2018
thedrewster357—March 30, 2019
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks but all the roads have this weird design flaw…
I’ve been trying to leave
Rome for weeks but all the roads have this weird design flaw…
11:34 PM · Mar 30, 2019
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks now but all their roads have this weird design flaw
11:21 AM · Dec 6, 2022
Funny Dad Jokes
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for the past 3 weeks
All their roads have this weird design flaw.
#humor #dadjoke
5:28 AM · Dec 27, 2022
Luca 🇦🇺
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for days now but all their roads have this really weird design flaw.
7:13 PM · Apr 1, 2023
Toby 🇵🇸
I’ve been trying to leave Rome for weeks but all their roads have this weird design flaw
October 10, 2023 at 8:36 AM
“I’ve been trying to leave Rome for a few weeks now, but all their roads have this weird design flaw.”
5:07 AM · Dec 31, 2024