“If your boat turns upside down, you can wear it on your head. It’s capsized”

A riddle was posted on Twitter on January 15, 2013:
Q: When can you wear a boat on your head?
A: When it’s capsized.

“Did you know that you can fit any boat on your head like a hat, if you flip it over? That makes it cap sized” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on May 29, 2016. “If your boat turns upside down, you can wear it on your head. It’s capsized” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on October 23, 2017.
jimmy mcgovern‏
@funny_puns When can you wear a boat on your head?
When it’s capsized.
6:01 PM - 15 Jan 2013
spooky josh barro‏
what’s so bad about a capsized ship? i think that would be pretty neat. a lil ship you could wear on your head
1:07 PM - 16 Jan 2013
adam harrison‏
What’s the best boat to put on your head?
One that’s capsized.
3:07 PM - 19 Feb 2013
Did you know that you can fit any boat on your head like a hat, if you flip it over?
submitted May 29, 2016 by TheCreatorLovesYou
That makes it cap sized
Huey Newton‏
Did you know you can wear any boat on your head like a hat if you flip it over? Once it’s upside down it becomes cap sized!.
12:39 AM - 21 Feb 2017
If your boat turns upside down you can wear it on your head
submitted October 23, 2017 by PM_ME_YOUR_OUTRAGE
It’s capsized.