“If cars had an ‘I’m sorry’ horn, there would probably be a lot less road rage”

People honk their car horns as a warning to other drivers. Some call it a “you stupid bastard horn” or a “fuck you horn.”
CraigBailey.net suggested a “sorry horn” on June 28, 2004. “There should be two different horns on cars. A fuck you horn and an I’m sorry horn. That should cover all times a horn should be used” was posted on Twitter on March 30, 2010.
“Wish there was an apologetic car horn for when you cut someone off etc?” was posted on Reddit—Does Anybody Else on January 22, 2012. “Cars should have an ‘sorry’ horn for acknowledging a mistake you made to another driver” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on November 20, 2014.
By Craig Bailey In General Tech June 28, 2004
Why hasn’t this been invented yet?
My wife came up with this idea about 6 years ago, but I am amazed that it is still not mandatory on every car.
It’s the sorry horn.
Daniel Daou‏
There should be two different horns on cars. A fuck you horn and an I’m sorry horn. That should cover all times a horn should be used.
10:57 PM - 30 Mar 2010
Dan Sumption 🥀‏
Gill thinks that cars should have 3 horns on them: an “excuse me” horn, an “I’m sorry” horn, and a “you stupid bastard” horn.
5:35 AM - 11 Jul 2010
Eric Byrer‏
I wish cars had some kind of “I’m sorry” horn or light or something.
9:42 PM - 16 Sep 2010
Reddit—Does Anybody Else
DAE wish there was an apologetic car horn for when you cut someone off etc? (self.DoesAnybodyElse)
submitted January 22, 2012 by Sindicit
Meredith Matia‏
There should be an “im sorry” horn on cars
7:18 PM - 27 Dec 2013
Cars need two horns. An “I’m sorry” horn and a “f you” horn
12:18 AM - 17 Aug 2014
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Cars should have an “sorry” horn for acknowledging a mistake you made to another driver.
submitted November 20, 2014 by shmeebz
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Vehicles should have an “I’m sorry” horn that we can honk when we know we screwed up.
submitted August 5, 2015 by Valtieri
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
I wish cars came with a separate “I’m sorry” horn.
submitted September 6, 2016 by Ready-Player-2
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
If there was a second car horn that meant “sorry” I would have used it more than a regular horn in my lifetime
submitted December 3, 2016 by slinkywheel
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Cars should have two horns, one for when someone is an idiot and one to say sorry.
submitted August 26, 2017 by minidessdess
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
If cars had a sorry horn there would probably be a lot less road rages
submitted October 1, 2017 by FaplordPoonslayer69