“I had my parking validated—which was nice because I’d been practicing for so long”

“Parking validation” usually refers to the parking slip that one gets when on entering a car park. A person can patronize a local business (such as going to a conference at hotel) and get the slip stamped, so that one can present the slip on leaving the car park and not pay a charge.
‘Parking validation” doesn’t mean that someone approves of one’s parking, but there are jokes. “Over the weekend I had my parking validated for the first time which was nice because I’ve been practicing for so long” was posted on Twitter on June 22, 2016. “I had my parking validated earlier. Guy was like, ‘Left side parallel, way to go’” was posted on Reddit—Dad Jokes on May 9, 2018.
Bryan Muenzer
Over the weekend I had my parking validated for the first time which was nice because I’ve been practicing for so long.
2:40 PM - 22 Jun 2016
Tommy Tran
For the first time in my adult life, I had my parking validated. I watched. It was riveting.
5:51 PM - 17 May 2017
Reddit—Dad Jokes
I had my parking validated earlier. (self.dadjokes)
submitted May 9, 2018 by mrthatsthat
Guy was like, “Left side parallel, way to go.”
I had my parking validated earlier. Guy was like, “Left side parallel, way to go.”
10:11 PM - 8 May 2018 (Posted after the above.—ed.)