“How do you make an electric car go faster?”/“A tow truck.”

A joke about an electric car is:
Q: How do you make an electric car go faster?
A: A tow truck.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 2008.
Mark’s Musings
Friday, January 04, 2008
Electric Car
With apologies to the Yugo
How do you make an electric car go faster?
A tow truck.
Green Jokes from My Green Stock Speech Last Week
Fred Fuld , Stocker Blog
May 20, 2010 3:01pm
How do you make an electric car go faster? A two truck.
The Warc Blog
15 December 2010 15:24
Electrifying the Car Rental Category
Posted by: Robert Passikoff, President, Brand Keys, Inc
The company is offering an all-electric Nissan Leaf, a virtually silent mode of transportation with a top-speed of 90 MPH, which defuses the joke how do you make an electric car go faster? A tow truck.
Business 2 Community
February 2, 2011
Electrifying The Car Rental Category
Robert Passikoff
The company is offering an all-electric Nissan Leaf, a virtually silent mode of transportation with a top-speed of 90 MPH, which defuses the joke how do you make an electric car go faster? A tow truck.
Craig - Infidel‏
#TCOT How do you make an electric car go faster? Answer:  A tow truck !
1:26 PM - 22 Feb 2015