Harlem Week

"Harlem Week" began as "Harlem Day" in 1975. It became "Harlem Week" in 1977. The annual festival takes place in August.

There was also a "Harlem Week" given in the 1940s, but this was a discussion of Harlem's problems, not an ethnic festival with food and music.

Harlem Week
HARLEM WEEK is an annual celebration of the best of Harlem which works to promote its rich African-American, African, Caribbean, Hispanic, and European history, as well as arts, culture, religion, business, entertainment, and sports. HARLEM WEEK began in 1974 as HARLEM DAY, a one-day event of encouragement and fellowship in Harlem for New Yorkers and beyond. Given the huge success of the celebration, additional days were added to showcase the community’s rich economic, political, and cultural history.

Harlem Discover
HARLEM WEEK began in 1975 as HARLEM DAY, which was a one-day tribute to Harlem's glorious history, and to a community of people who live, work, play, learn and worship together. It was a day of encouragement to New Yorkers in general and Harlemites in particular who had struggled for some twenty-five plus years to see a positive future for Urban America and for ethnic diversity.

HARLEM WEEK grew out of the desire to bring the revitalization of Harlem as the world-renowned Black and Latino cultural capitol of America. The intent was to put Harlem back at the forefront of urban, cultural, ethnic, educational, political, recreational and religious leadership — as it had been in the 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, and 1950's.

29 May 1943, New York (NY) Times, "Harlem Week, and After," pg. 12:
The City-Wide Citizens' Committee on Harlem has been sponsor for "Harlem Week," just ending, as part of its continuing effort to solve the special problems of our Negro citizens.

24 May 1945, New York (NY) Times, "Harlem Week to Begin Monday," pg. 14:
City-Wide Harlem Week, devoted to the betterment of social and economic conditions of Negroes in New York, will be observed beginning Monday, it was announced yesterday by the City-Wide Citizens Committee on Harlem, 516 Fifth Avenue.

26 August 1975, Daily News (New York, NY), pg. 22, col. 1:
Festival Aims at a Harlem Rebirth
Harlem, often proclaimed as the black capital of the world, will be honored Saturday with the first Harlem Day festival. It will feature live entertainment, music, dancing, a flea market, carnival rides, and athletic compettion, it was announced yesterday.

23 August 1976, Daily News (New York, NY), pg. 15, col. 1:
Harlem Day Preview Slated
Mayor Beame will host a preview tomorrow of the daylong Harlem Day '76 festival which is scheduled for Saturday.

29 August 1976, New York (NY) Times, pg. 45:
2d Harlem Day Festival
Stresses the Positive

21 August 1977, Daily News (New York, NY), pg. M2, col. 1 editorial:
Harlem is celebrating itself this week. It's the third annual "Harlem Week," and from Tuesday through Saturday there will be special events ranging from carnivals and parades to service projects for senior citizens and youngsters seeking jobs.

17 August 1979, New York (NY) Times, pg. C21:
Harlem Holds a Celebration in 5th Annual Festival
And, beginning this weekend, Harlem boosters will help their community celebrate its past, present and hopes for the future in the annual Harlem Week Festival.
Begun five years ago as Harlem Day, the project was initially conceived as a way of "psoitively projecting the community to itself," said Lloyd Williams, executive vice president of the Uptown Chamber of Commerce, which is sponsoring the string of events.

14 August 1981, New York (NY) Times, pg. C15:
Free Events to Celebrate Harlem Week

20 August 1982, New York (NY) Times, pg. C19:
A Play on Harlem Renaissance for Harlem Week