Fresh Fruit Festival

The Fresh Fruit Festival is a LGBT-related entertainment in the Big Apple each July.
Fresh FRUIT FESTIVAL Happening July 10 - July 23, 2006
Fresh Fruit Festival was the creation of two long established LGBT community arts groups:
New Village Productions, established in 1989, has produced ten LGBT short play Festivals including an international short play Festival in conjunction with the Vineyard Theater and Gay Games 1994. New Village Productions is a not-for-profit theater company committed to diversity and the celebration of difference, both in selection of material and by inclusion of disabled and minority artists.

All Out Arts' mission since 1992 has been to bring together the diverse artistic, organizational, political and financial resources of the LGBT community to foster awareness of the value of LGBT arts. The mission of All Out Arts is to support and present LGBT art and artists to fight intolerance. All Out Arts fulfills its mission by supporting arts organizations within the community through fiscal sponsorship, events, contests, collaborations, networking events for emerging artists, and by sponsoring productions, concerts and displays of visual arts.