Easy Street

The Historical Dictionary of American Slang defines "easy street" as " a condition of easy and comfort, especially financial success. Also cap."

There is no indication if "easy street" began in New York City, but it might have been. Early 1882 citations appear to indicate an "easy street" in Chicago.

3 March 1882, Decatur (IL) Daily Republican, pg. 3:
W. C. Sells, who comes from the city of Chicago, "Easy Street, where all the good people live," is in the city.

28 July 1882, Decatur (IL) Daily Republican, pg. 3:
James Bristow, who has been living on "Easy street" for a month, is happy.

13 July 1889, Newark (Ohio) Daily Advocate, pg. 4:
In the fifth Newark placed herself on "Easy" street by making three more runs.

21 July 1889, Washington Post, pg. 3:
Loftus' men proceeded to get on Easy street in the seventh inning by making another run on McAleer's single to right, his steal of second, and sacrifice hits by Gilks and Twitchell.

1 September 1889, Washington Post, pg. 3:
The inning netted six runs, not one of them earned, and for the remainder of the game the boys were on Easy street, although the Quaker City boys scored a run on Schriver's single, Myers' sacrifice, and a hit by Delehanty.

22 December 1889, Boston Daily Globe, pg. 16:
At the last meeting of the Haddock Jugglers a vote to disband until Oct. 1, and a committee was appointed to secure new quarters on Easy street.