“Don’t Even THINK of Parking Here,” “No Parking, No Standing, No Stopping, No Kidding”

These two signs both date from 1982. As many of you know, I am a parking judge. I have never seen a summons for "thinking" or "kidding," however.

15 June 1982, New York Times, pg. A1:
Mayor Koch announced yesterday the creation of a system of 10 "red zone" lanes for buses in Manhattan to help relieve traffic congestion, increase bus speeds and reduced what has long been the bane of bus traveleres - bus bunching.

Along the pavement at each of the 10 thoroughfares in the program, a bright red eight-inch thermoplastic strip will remind motorists of heavy fines if they park, stand or travel in the bus lane.

"Don't Even Think of Parking Here," a sign along the routes will read.

4 September 1982, New York Times, pg. 24:
One thing is clear: Those funny little signs attached to posts along the lanes are a big hit. "No Parking, No Standing, No Stopping, No Kidding," one says. Very popular is one that almost seems to be whining as it warns, "Don't Even THINK of Parking Here."