“Don’t be gentle, it’s a rental”

“No one washes a rental car” is a saying that has been popular since at least 1985. “Don’t be gentle, it’s a rental” is a rhyme that appears to have been cited in print since about 2002. The logic is that people don’t use the same standard of care for equipment that they don’t own.
Dan on Jun 5, 02 at 5:12pm
I posted the same question before my trip and ended up getting a convertible. It was great. We even went to blue pool on the way to Hana (from the “Revealed” books) and we went all the way around - I highly recommend doing the road to Hana this way because you can see how different (and beautiful in its own way) the other side of the island is. DON’T BE GENTLE, IT’S A RENTAL!
The Steadicam Forum
Posted 17 August 2004 - 11:22 AM
so it looks like you are on the ‘don’t be gentle it’s a rental’ side of the game.
Don’t be gentle its a rental
Karl Muchitsch
Uploaded on Jul 18, 2007
Urban Dictionary
Don’t be gentle, It’s a rental
abusing the crap out of rental cars
by Dooky808 Nov 19, 2011
Evening Standard (London)
How to make £8,000 by going on holiday
Work that asset by joining the wave of vacationing Londoners renting their houses out. Just make sure your guests have left before you return, says Lucinda Vaughan

Lucinda Vaughan
26 March 2013
The adage “Don’t be gentle, it’s a rental” applies as readily to homes as to hire cars, it seems.
de Lukowicz
don’t be gentle it’s a rental! #kinoflo #breakfast #haha pic.twitter.com/Xoe9YUXPSC
12:25 AM - 6 Apr 13