Clowns In Action (Central Intelligence Agency or CIA nickname)
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the successor to World War II’s Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The CIA has also been nicknamed “The Agency,” "Pickle Factory" (since at…
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the successor to World War II’s Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The CIA has also been nicknamed “The Agency,” "Pickle Factory" (since at…
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the successor to World War II’s Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The CIA nickname of "Clowns In America" has been printed on many images.…
The United States Coast Guard is part of the United States Armed Forces and was created by Congress in 1790 as the "Revenue Marine." Members of the Coast Guard have been called…
"Coattails" are tails on a coat; in political terms, someone who "rides on an elected official's coattails" is someone who gains from another person's gain. For…
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the successor to World War II’s Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The CIA has long been accused of importing drugs into the United States, as depicted…
A "cocktail conservative" has also been called a "country club conservative/Republican" or a "hot tub" Republican. The term "cocktail conservative" describes…
CODEPINK (frequently spelled Code Pink) is an anti-war group -- mostly, but not exclusively, women -- that was formed in 2002. Critics of CODEPINK's often aggressive tactics and politically…
The "COEXIST" image -- popularly seen on bumper stickers -- uses religious symbols to create the word "coexist." Piotr Mlodozeniec, a Polish graphic designer, created the…
The "coffee party" is the political left's answer to the anti-big government "tea party" (TEA=Taxed Enough Already) that was popularized in 2009. The coffee parties began…
"Cohen" (Hebrew: כֹּהֵן, kōhēn, "priest") is a common Jewish surname. "Cohencidence" (Cohen + coincidence) originally was used when discussing someone named…
"Coincideath" (coincidence + death) is a term for a coincidental death. "A mere coincideath!" was posted on Twitter by Igor Filin on October 15, 2013. "You know When 2…
The term "coincidence theorist" is sometimes used in contrast to a "conspiracy theorist." Either something was planned and it's a conspiracy, or it's all just a…
"Coinciditis -- Myocarditis that coincidentally only affects the vaccinated" is a saying that has been shown on many images. The word "coinciditis" (coincidence + -itis) refers…
The United States House Committee on Appropriations is one of the most powerful of Congressional committees because of its responsibility of money expenditures. The chairs of its subcommittees have…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in the first FDA approved vaccine in August 2021 -- Pfizer's Comirnaty. It was nicknamed "Come-here-naughty." "come here,…
"Commiecrat" (commie + Democrat) is an epithet used by some on the political right who believe that the Democrat Party is so far to the left that it practices Communist policies. The term…
A "common sense caucus" is where politicians abandon hardline views and join together for common sense solutions, despite different party affiliations. "Common sense caucus" has…
Cable News Network (CNN) began in 1980 as the first all-news television channel. Some critics of CNN have claimed that the network has an anti-American, pro-globalist slant to the news. The…
Richard Nixon (1913-1994), just before his appearance at the Republican National Convention at Chicago in July 1960, was called over to the Central Park East (Fifth Avenue) 14th floor apartment of…
The term "compliancy theorist" was invented to be the opposite of a "conspiracy theorist." While a conspiracy theorist questions the system, a compliancy theorist accepts and…