Jackpot Fatigue

"Jackpot fatigue" is what many lottery players experience, causing them to play the lottery less and less. Jackpots must get larger and larger to stir the same amount of interest. A $25…

Jingle Mail

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wiktionary: jingle mailNounjingle mail (uncountable)1.(neologism) The practice of posting one's house keys back to the mortgage company because of negative equity or…

Kale (money slang)

Entry in progress -- B.P. (Oxford English Dictionary)kale, n.North American slang. Money.1912 J. Sandilands Western Canad. Dict. 26 Kale, money, or wealth.1922 S. Lewis Babbitt xiii. 172 You will…

Keynesian Put

The "Keynesian put" is a put option named after economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) and Keynesian economics. Investors believed that the Federal Reserve would protect their…