Mount Bonnell (Austin toponym)


"Valluco" means someone (usually of Mexican heritage) from the Rio Grande Valley. "Valluco" is a blend of the words "valley" and "pachuco" (a form of…

Vampire REO

"Monsters of the Housing Market: Vampire REOs and Zombie Foreclosures" by Daren Blomquist appeared on RealtyTrac on October 2, 2013. An REO ("real estate owned") is a property…

Vanilla (plain or ordinary)

Vanilla is the most popular flavor of ice cream, so lots of people must like it. "Plain vanilla," however, is something that is basic, standard, and perhaps also drab and dull. As late as…

Vanity Address

A "vanity address" is an address that the building owner requests from the borough president's office. In Manhattan, for example, a Fifth Avenue address might sound better than a…