Buzzard Boulevard (Broadway)

“Back to Broadway, otherwise known as Buzzard Boulevard,” Broadway columnist Mark Hellinger (1903-1947) wrote in 1933. Hellinger meant that Broadway was full of buzzards—human vultures who are none to kind.
Hellinger’s term “Buzzard Boulevard” wasn’t frequently used and is of historical interest today.
Wikipedia: Broadway (Manhattan)
Broadway /ˈbrɔːdweɪ/ is a road in the U.S. state of New York. Perhaps best known for the portion that runs through the borough of Manhattan in New York City, it actually runs 13 mi (21 km) through Manhattan and 2 mi (3.2 km) through the Bronx, exiting north from the city to run an additional 18 mi (29 km) through the municipalities of Yonkers, Hastings-On-Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Irvington, and Tarrytown, and terminating north of Sleepy Hollow in Westchester County.
Wikipedia: Mark Hellinger
Mark Hellinger (March 21, 1903 - December 21, 1947) was an American journalist, theatre columnist and film producer.
In 1923, Hellinger moved to the city desk of the New York Daily News. (...) In November 1929, Hellinger moved to the New York Daily Mirror. (...) By 1937, Hellinger was a syndicated columnist featured in 174 newspapers.
11 May 1933, The San Mateo Times and Daily News Leader (San Mateo, CA),, “All in a Day” by Mark Hellinger, pg. 6, col. 3:
Back to Broadway, otherwise known as Buzzard Boulevard.
Google Books
The Mark Hellinger Story:
A Biography of Broadway and Hollywood

By Jim Bishop
New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts
Pg. 199:
Back to Broadway, otherwise known as Buzzard Boulevard.
Google Books
The Art of the City:
Views and Versions of New York

By Peter Conrad
New York, NY: Oxford University Press
Pg. 284:
The street’s clannish sense of itself demands a redenomination, since it won’t answer to the title New York presumes to know it by. Hellinger called it Buzzard Boulevard; the columnist Louis Sobol invented a lexicon of pseudonyms for it — the Illuminated Thoroughfare, the modern Appian Way, the Rue of roues, the Gay Lit-Up Canyon, Golden Gulch, and Mazda Lane.
25 December 1988, The Sunday Star-Ledger (Newark, NJ), “Reporter at Large” by Mark Finston, Accent: People, pg. 10, col. 4:
During the first half of this century Broadway gossip columnist vied fiercely with each other to characterize their Great White Way in the most colorful way possible. Some of the nicknames invented in these Winchelleeers: Gay White Way, Great Tight Way, Mazda Lane, Dazzling Gulch, the Galaxy, the Grand Canyon, Milky Way, Neon Boulevard, Tungsten Territory, Baloney Boulevard, Hard Times Square, Times Queer, the Rue of Roues, Buzzard Boulevard, Fraudway, Aspirin Alley, Gin Gulch, Hooch Highway, Coffeepot Canyon, Orange Juice Gulch and the Dirty White Way.