Bell of the Unforgotten

The "Bell of the Unforgotten" was put in place on October 16, 2005 to commemorate the unnamed victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.

The bell is supposed to be temporary, but may become permanent.
The legal battle was an issue on the minds of some victims' families Sunday as they gathered to dedicate the "Bell of the Unforgotten" at the WTC site. The bell honors the victims whose remains couldn't be identified.
The mournful knell of the 2,000-pound Bell for the Unforgotten echoed across the empty space where the World Trade Center towers once stood.
The bell was provided as part of The Franciscan Center of Delaware's Bells of Remembrance Project to honor the the victims of the attacks. In addition to commemorations at the Ground Zero bell, tolling ceremonies have taken place at airliner crash sites at the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pa.

Kurt Horning said the bell would be returned to the Franciscans until next year's ceremony, but he hoped it would find a permanent home soon.

Novotny agreed.

"I hope that this bell's final resting place will be dignified as the dignified remains and burial of our loved ones," she said.