Archive for 03/2012

Err America (Air America nickname)

The Air America radio network began in March 2004 and ended in January 2010; it attempted to provide a liberal alternative to conservative talk radio. Critics of Air America nicknamed it "Err…

Windmill Dunk (basketball shot)

A "windmill" slam dunk in basketball is when a player's arm acts like a windmill in sending the ball through the basket. "Windmill" dunk has been cited in print since at…

Puck (flat disk used in hockey)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Hockey puckA puck is a disk used in various games serving the same functions as a ball does in ball games. The best-known use of pucks is in ice hockey, a major…

Generation Debt

"Generation Debt" refers to a generation of young citizens who will have to pay off crushing personal college debts and a crushing federal debt, all while trying to find a good job in a…


"Debt-serfdom" (or "debt serfdom") is a condition where someone works like a serf or slave to eliminate a large debt. The term "debt serfdom" has existed since at…

Pink Slime

"Lean beef trimmings" is the official name of a product by Beef Products Inc. of ground-up connective tissue and beef scraps. The mixture is treated with ammonia hydroxide to kill…