Archive for 06/2010

Delish (delicious)

"Delish" is another way of saying "delicious" and has been cited in print since at least 1920. Television chef Rachael Ray has made "delish" one of her catchwords,…

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

"Chief cook and bottle washer" (sometimes "bottle-washer" or "battlewasher") is a jocular term for a person who does everything. It often describes a small operation,…

Din-din (dinner)

"Din-din" is a child's way of saying "dinner." "Din-din" is cited in print from at least 1861 and appeared first in English (and not American) publications.…

“Whatever trips your trigger”

"Whatever trips your trigger" means "whatever makes you happy" or "whatever's your choice/desire" or "whatever turns you on" or "whatever floats…