Alphebetical for "b"

Bread Line

The "bread line" was one of New York's first and most famous of charities. (Oxford English Dictionary)bread-line (orig. U.S.), (a) a queue of poor people waiting to receive bread or…

Breakfast Burrito; Breakfast Taco

The breakfast burrito and the breakfast taco both first became popular breakfast fare in America beginning in the 1970. The breakfast burrito is recorded in New Mexico from the mid-1970s, and the…

Breakfast of Champions (menudo)

"Breakfast of Champions" has been the slogan of Wheaties cereal from 1933. Menudo is tripe stew. For many people in Texas and New Mexico (with tough stomachs), menudo has also been called…

Breakfast Pizza

Entry in progress -- B.P. Serious Eats - New YorkOrtine vs. Motorino: Two Breakfast Pizzas in BrooklynPosted by Carey Jones, April 13, 2009 at 10:00 AMPizza is a good thing. Breakfast is a good…


A "breakfastarian" is someone who loves to eat breakfast, no matter what time of the day. The word "breakfastarian" was cited on Twitter in 2009, but the meaning is unclear. A…

Breakup Cake

A "breakup cake" is for couples breaking up, just as a wedding cake is for couples getting together in marriage. A breakup cake can contain a graphic display or just a simple message.…

Brewski (beer)

"Brewski" or "brewsky" (brew + -ski) is mock Polish for "beer." "Brewski" has been cited in print since about 1978 and quickly became a popular slang at…

Bridal Building

The Bridal Building is in the Garment District (or, Fashion Center) at 1385 Broadway, by 38th Street. The name "Bridal Building" itself isn't that old, but bridal wear has been in…