“All those crosses along highways. Christians are terrible drivers”

Many streets have roadside memorials—usually crosses—to commemorate a tragic accident that occurred there. There are very few crescents (Islam) or stars of David (Judaism). A joke is:
“All those crosses along highways. Christians are terrible drivers!”
There is no specific origin of the saying, but this was cited in 2005:
“Also, why is it that you only see crosses on the side of the road? Why not stars of David or Buddhas? WTF, is it that Christians are just that bad of drivers compared to the rest of the world’s major religions?”
Wikipedia: Roadside memorial
A roadside memorial is a marker that usually commemorates a site where a person died suddenly and unexpectedly, away from home. Unlike a grave site headstone, which marks where a body is laid, the memorial marks the last place on earth where a person was alive – although in the past travelers were, out of necessity, often buried where they fell.
United States
The spread of spontaneous roadside memorials to mark the site of fatal traffic accidents in the United States is a relatively new phenomenon. A typical memorial includes a cross (usually wooden), flowers, hand-painted signs, and, in the case of a child’s death, stuffed animals.
Using a Christian cross as a memorial along a public highway can be seen as an illegal endorsement of religion and has been challenged in a growing number of lawsuits by secular groups concerned about the separation of church and state. On August 18, 2010 the Tenth Circuit held that the State of Utah violated the Establishment Clause by constructing a series of 12-foot high Latin crosses along the roadside to memorialize fallen state troopers. In Lake Elsinore California, a personal roadside cross was removed following a complaint by the American Humanist Association.
BGSU’s Own Jeff Gordon
by UK Peregrine Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:52 pm
That reminds me, I don’t recall the comedian’s name that talked about these roadside memorials, but the bit he did was hilarious. The big jokes went something like this.
Why is it that you always see crosses on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, like in Kansas on some straight ass road that doesnt have a single tree in sight? I mean, what in the hell did this person do to reck in a place with nothing to hit?
Also, why is it that you only see crosses on the side of the road? Why not stars of David or Buddhas? WTF, is it that Christians are just that bad of drivers compared to the rest of the world’s major religions?
Road crosses ruled unconstitutional. Chicken inconsolable   (cnn.com )
2010-08-19 08:28:09 AM
AaronK: How come there’s no Star of David markers?
because christians are the worst drivers
Fred McCoy MyITFred
In my travels I notice many crosses alongside the highways. It suddenly occurs to me that Christians are bad drivers
6:32 PM - 18 May 2012
Augusta-Richmond County, GA
@SethMacFarlane. @ColbertReport I see a lot of crosses .along the highways. It makes me think.  Christians are really shitty drivers
3:39 PM - 16 Oct 2012
The Truth About Roadside Crosses
Published on May 7, 2013
An important Public Service Announcement.
“You can find them on the side of almost every road…Markers that speak of tragedy…Memorials that lead to one inescapable conclusion…Christians are lousy drivers…Don’t be Christian and Drive.”
Ohio Blue
I see so many crosses along the highways. I can only assume Christians are horrible drivers.
12:27 PM - 5 Aug 2013
Charleston, WV
Crosses on the side of straight roads means Christians are the worst drivers Christians still drive way better than Muslims can pilot planes
3:19 PM - 12 Sep 2013
Reddit, what’s your most offensive joke that’d make people want to get away from you?
u/BidoofTheDoof August 19, 2015, 8h
Davidvazquez87 • August 19, 2015, 7h
Once at work i said something akin to “You know what i realized after seeing crosses on the side of highways? Christians are terrible drivers.”
Bearded Fett
How come you never see Jewish or Muslim memorials along the edge of highways?  It’s always white crosses.  Christians are terrible drivers.
9:05 AM - 30 Oct 2015
What I learned from small crosses placed along the roadside with flowers.
submitted September 30, 2016 by Jack6503
Christians are horrible drivers.