“A pilot is just a flying bus driver”

An airline pilot is sometimes called a “flying bus driver.” “Remember that most of the time, a pilot is a very well trained flying bus driver” was posted on the newsgroup rec.travel.air on July 15, 1998. “An Airline pilot is nothing more than a flying bus driver” was posted on Twitter by Hany Ragy on January 21, 2012. “@realDonaldTrump Trump was jealous of his brother, a pilot.  He call him a flying bus driver.  Name caller even then! #DESPICABLE” was posted on Twitter by Stevie Cat on April 9, 2016.
“A pilot is just a flying bus driver” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on September 12, 2016.
Google Groups: rec.travel.air
AA 767 In-Flight Fire ??
D. A. Ling
Remember that most of the time, a pilot is a very well trained flying bus driver.
Google Groups: rec.outdoors.rv-travel
OT - Arming pilots
Jack Cassidy
I get the impression that you are an elitist snob, you don’t seem to like anyone, you insult the police, security personal and everyone else that you think are beneath the status of a pilot. It seems to me like a poor attitude for a glorified, flying bus driver.
Hany Ragy
An Airline pilot is nothing more than a flying bus driver,a bus drivers job more risky,Egypt air pilots banning alcohol since years illegal
10:25 AM - 21 Jan 2012
G as Gullible
At the end, a steward is just a flying waiter, a plane pilot, a flying bus driver, so get over it
5:25 PM - 6 Feb 2014
Dr Jinn
Replying to @sarwatkhan2612
@sarwatkhan2612 flying bus driver = pilot 😊 bilkul…... ab ye kehnay per sab pilots mujhay fatwa dilwaa ker bori mein dalwaa dayain gay
4:50 PM - 12 Aug 2015
Stevie Cat
@realDonaldTrump Trump was jealous of his brother, a pilot.  He call him a flying bus driver.  Name caller even then! #DESPICABLE
7:03 PM - 9 Apr 2016
friendly hermit
Replying to @SteveO9259 @SarahKSilverman @PBS
Taught him trump blood is better than all others. He and daddy teased brother relentlessly for being an airline pilot ‘flying bus driver’
10:48 PM - 3 Sep 2017
Annie Fauxfannie 🔥 🌈
Replying to @Scavino45 @SHSanders45 and 2 others
Oh,his brother who was a pilot? Donnie and his father used to call him a flying bus driver.  They cut his whole family out of the will.  Donnie didn’t care about him for one reason: he was someone other than himself.
12:49 PM - 29 Oct 2017
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
A pilot is just a flying bus driver.
submitted September 12, 2018 by alifrombali
Yes, that’s why they call them air buses.