“A New Yorker learns to drive by yelling ‘taxi’”

Many New Yorkers do not own cars, but prefer to take a taxi or the subway, or to just walk. A joke is that a New Yorker learns how to drive by raising an arm and hailing a taxi.
The joke hasn’t been cited very often in print. It’s more of a fact than a joke that New Yorkers just don’t drive cars.
Dave (WildMan) Weber
@chi_grl19 Nonsense..it’s easy to drive in Chicago..just put out arm and yell “Taxi”.  😉
3:05 PM - 17 Oct 2014
Financial Review (Australia)
Jul 20 2015 at 11:55 AM   Updated Jul 20 2015 at 11:55 AM
Why Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are hot on Uber, and Hillary Clinton is not
The yellow cab is a New York City institution on wheels. That essential image still fits the old joke about how a true New Yorker learns to drive – by raising an arm and shouting “taxi”.