Globocrat (global + bureaucrat)

A “globocrat” (global + bureaucrat) can be a “global bureaucrat” (such as someone who works at the United Nations) or a “globalist” (someone who works for an international company or a supporter of globalism). “Globocrats” has been cited in print since 1945, but “globocrat” became popular in books written since the 1970s.
Wiktionary: globocrat
(plural globocrats)
1. globalist, person advocating globalism and globalist policies
29 June 1875, Cincinnati (OH) Daily Enquirer, pg. 9:
THE St. Louis Globocrat doesn’t believe there was such a battle as Bunker Hill, because Sherman wasn’t there.
(The St. Louis Globe-Democrat newspaper—ed.)
20 May 1945, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “Washington News,” pg. 13:
In a scathing criticism of “world planners and globocrats,” Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee assailed today the administration’s proposal to lower tariffs.
Google Books
Corporate Etiquette
By Milla Alihan
New York, NY: Weybright and Talley
Pg. 83:
With United States business turning the world into a global marketplace, a new breed of executives is emerging — the “globocrat.”
Pg. 102:
The focal guideline for the American business and industrial globocrats may well be that, in spite of the many languages, unrelated customs, and divergent values, the world is but one small planet.
Google Books
The Language of Money:
An irreverent dictionary of business and finance

By William Davis
Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
Pg. 109:
A fellow who can run his company’s operations anywhere in the world.
Google Books
The Longman Register of New Words. Vol. 2
By John Ayto
Harlow: Longman
Pg. 156:
globocrat noun a high-ranking and powerful member of a world-wide organization