“Every Cookie Needs a Belly” (Cookie Island)

Cookie Island's slogan is "Every Cookie Needs a Belly." Cookie Island went out of business after the MTA cleared the area for a downtown transportation hub in 2006. Cookie Island's website tells the sad story.

Cookie Island

Every Cookie
Needs a Belly

The Cookie Island cookie company currently has closed its mail order, retail and wholesale operations. The MTA of New York City has taken the building we lease for the new World Trade Center transportation system without giving us the funds needed to rebuild. So after surviving 9/11, just scraping buy for four years like all the small businesses downtown we are being rewarded by getting kicked out on the street. This is how New York State treats its small business.

We are very sorry to all our loyal Cookiehead fans, but the MTA gave us no option at this time. Hopefully we fill find the funds and management to reopen one day.

If you need a cookie fix or gift box try Tate's Cookies (formally Kathleen's) from Southampton, New York. Very good cookie.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
As I was walking up Broadway, I spotted a relatively new Hallmark store. I went in, thinking that I might be able to pick up some individually-wrapped Valentine's Day chocolates. It was a very nice store, but then I realized that all of the people in the Valentine's Day card aisle weren't choosing cards - they were on line to pay for them! I had no desire to spend a half hour or more on line, so I made my exit. I walked up a little further, and then I saw it - Cookie Island, where "every cookie needs a belly." I entered the shop and I could tell that I was in the right place. It was a bit on the pricey side, but it was perfect for what I had in mind. The owner and the staff were extremely helpful, and I walked out with a small gift box of cookies, nicely tied with a red ribbon.