American Criminal Lovers Union (American Civil Liberties Union nickname)

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was founded in 1920, with the mission “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Some critics claim that the ACLU is anti-law enforcement and pro-criminals, calling the organization the “American Criminal Lovers Union.”
“Exercising my civil liberties, in my view ACLU stands for American Criminal Lovers Union” was printed in The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA) on June 14, 1981. “American Criminal Lovers Union” was printed in the Washington (DC) Post on August 5, 1982.
Other ACLU nicknames include “American Criminal Liberties Union” (cited in print since at least 1977), “American Communist Lawyers Union” (cited in print since at least 1982) and “American Communist Lovers Union” (cited in print since at least 1984).
ACLU “anti-Christian” nicknames include “Anti-Christian Litigation Union” (cited in print since at least 1980), “Anti-Christian Lawyers Union” (cited in print since at least 1982), “Anti-Christian Liberals Union” (cited in print since at least 1984), “Anti-Christian Lawsuit Union” (cited in print since at least 1988) and Anti-Christian Litigation Unit” (cited in print since at least 1991).
Wikipedia: American Civil Liberties Union
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a nonprofit organization whose stated mission is “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Officially nonpartisan, the organization has been supported and criticized by liberal and conservative organizations alike.
14 June 1981, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), “Letters: What ACLU spells, sec. 1, pg. 38, col. 2:
New Orleans.
Exercising my civil liberties, in my view ACLU stands for American Criminal Lovers Union.
It would be interesting to learn where that organization obtains financial support.
E.P. McCloskey.
5 August 1982, Washington (DC) Post, “Court Watch Group Puts Pressure on ‘Lenient’ Judges” by Ruth Marcus, pg. A8, cols. 1-2:
Court Watch was needed, he (Washington Legal Foundation head Daniel Popeo—ed,) said, to counteract the “tremendous pro-criminal lobby” made up of liberal organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union, which he calls the American Criminal Lovers Union.
Google Books
May 1984, ABA Journal, “The Ralph Naders of the Right” by Nancy Blodgett, pg. 71, col. 1:
For example, Dan Popeo, director of the aggressively conservative Washington Legal Foundation, derides the American Civil Liberties Union as the “American Criminal Lovers Union.”
19 January 1990, Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR), “For 70 years, ACLU defends Americans’ inalienable rights” by Pat Lynch, pg. 11B, col. 1:
Not everybody likes the ACLU. I’ve heard it called the American Communist Lovers Union, the Anti-Christian Lawyers Union, and worse.
Google Groups: rec.nude
Big Pants    
Greg Clark
NAACP (Never Admit Any Criminal Participation)
ACLU (American Criminal Lovers Union)
I’m SO sick of liberals.
Google Books
The Way Things Oughta’ Be Told
By Burt Grossman with Bill Kushner
Coal Valley, IL: Quality Sports Publications
Pg. 81:
You see, the American Criminal Lovers Union would never be interested in protecting the rights of a guy like me.
Google Groups:
ACLU = American Criminal-Lovers Union
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If this don’t convince ya, nothing will:
In the Line of Duty
January 13, 2017 ·
ONLY the American Criminal Lovers’ Union would state: “these type of adolescent behaviors should never be met with arrest.” These pompous asses can sure give directions from their tables at Starbucks, can’t they?
Replying to @NATIVESOe_rader @thebradfordfile @ACLU
Yes that’s one good version. I also call those loser lawyers who can’t get a real job the American Criminal Lovers Union and the Anti Christian League United.
7:38 PM - 26 Feb 2018
Ummm no Alan that’s the hype they use to make themselves sound good..Actually the ACLU is an acronym for American Criminal Lovers Union and has NOTHING to do with civil rights for regular citizens, only the ones they pick and choose.JAMES BARNES added,
Fox News
.@AlanDersh: “The @ACLU has come out in support of this raid - the ACLU! They’re supposed to be the organization that stands up for civil liberties.”
10:40 AM - 12 Apr 2018