Parlor City (Monroe, Louisiana nickname)

Binghamton, New York, has been called the “Parlor City (of the Southern Tier)” since 1873. “Parlor City” means a city that is refined, with beautiful homes, gardens and cultural amenities.
Monroe, Louisiana, has been called the “Parlor City” since at least 1890. In Monroe’s Telegraph-Bulletin in October 1890, the nickname “Parlor City of Louisiana” was suggested. The nickname quickly became popular, and there was a steamer called “Parlor City.” The nickname “Parlor City” became scarce after the 1950s, when Monroe’s Parlor City Lumber Company ended its business.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, began to be called the “Parlor City (of Iowa)” in 1890 and 1891. Bluffton, Indiana, has been called the “Parlor City” since at least 1900.
Wikipedia: Monroe, Louisiana
Monroe (historically French: Poste-du-Ouachita) is the eighth-largest city in the U.S. state of Louisiana. It is the parish seat of Ouachita Parish. In the official 2010 census, Monroe had a population of 48,815. The municipal population declined by 8.1 percent over the past decade; it was 53,107 in the 2000 census.
21 October 1890, The Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, LA), “MONROE, LA.,” pg. 8, col. 1:
Monroe’s pet name has been changed from the “Queen City” to the “Parlor City of the Ouachita,” at the suggestion of a correspondent in the last issue of the Telegraph-Bulletin, of this place, who says:
“The State of Louisiana is an immense building, composed of many rooms, the towns and cities within her border recognized as those compartments. Monroe is recognized as the healthiest, neatest, best laid out, most progressive town in the State, with the most brilliant future before it.
“The location is excellent, her citizens are liberal, progressive and hospitable, therefore, in view of these facts, I nominate Monroe as the “Parlor City of Louisiana” and respectfully submit the title for the approval of her progressive citizens.”
22 February 1893, The Daily Picayune (New Orleans, LA), pg. 6 col. 1:
The City on a Big Boom.
Monroe, La., Feb. 21.—(Special.)—The machinery has all been bought, ground purchased and everything is in readiness to build the Parlor City Steam Laundry.
11 December 1900, The Daily Picayune (New Orleans, LA), pg. 14, col. 3:
For Sale or Charter.
The steamboat “Parlor City.” Apple to L. D. McLain, Monroe, La.
1 September 1905, The Daily Picayune (New Orleans, LA), “Monroe a Model of Town Success,” pg. 15, col. 5:
It writing of Monroe it is with feelings of a certain amount of justifiable pride. The municipality is now know far and wide as “the Parlor City,” so named because of its many beautiful homes along its oak-embowered streets, as well as its pleasing surroundings.
2 May 1906, The Daily Picayune (New Orleans, LA), “Louisiana Editors Line Up in Monroe,” pg. 11, col. 2:
... and everything possible is being done by citizens to make the stay of the editors in the Parlor City pleasant and enjoyable.
10 July 1915, Chicago (IL) Defender, pg. 4, col. 6:
Parlor City Medical Association Organizes and Elects Officers
By L. A. Jackson
Monroe, La., July 9,
The Parlor City Medical Association was organized Thursday night, July 1.
21 October 1923, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), sec. 1-B, col. 1 ad:
Monroe, Lousiana
Parlor City Lumber Co.
Richardson Roffing.—ed.)
4 May 1932, Monroe (LA) News-Star, pg. 6, col. 7 ad:
Should you visit the “PARLOR CITY” of Louisiana be sure to come to see us.
Parlor City Lumber Co, Inc.
25 April 1957, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), “Woodmen Circle Convention Set,” pg. 3, col. 8:
They will be welcomed for the occasion by Mayor W. L. Howard and Mrs. Ora Beasley on Monroe’s Parlor City Grove, which is host for the meeting.
12 July 2009, News-Star (Monroe, LA), “Newspaper describes Monroe,” pg. D5:
This article was found in the 1893 World’s Fair edition of the Monroe Evening News. It paints a glowing picture of Monroe just on the edge of what would become a phenomenal period of growth for the sleepy little town.
“Capitalists from all directions, appreciating the ultimate greatness of the Parlor City, have not hesitated to make large investments here. The visitor cannot be otherwise than favorably impressed with what he sees.”
Google Books
The Monroeians:
The Pine Street Blues Collective

By James O. McHenry
Bloomington, IN: Archway Publishing
Pg. ?:
When it (Pleasant Green Baptist Church—ed.) was constructed, it was named for Felix Terzia (b. 1926 - d. Jan 2003), who was a White Monroe native and owner of the Parlor City Lumber Company. His business was located on Mississippi Street off Thomas Avenue going uptown.