“How do you get a grandmother to swear?”/“Have another say ‘Bingo!’”

A popular bingo joke is:
Q: How do you get a grandmother to swear?
A: Have another grandmother say “Bingo!”

The joke has been cited in print since at least 1992.
Google Groups: bit.listserv.catholic
Coupla jokes for you
Karl C Schudt
How do you get four little old Catholic ladies to say %$#@ (insert appropiate curse word here) ?
Get a fifth to stand up and say “Bingo!” 😊
Google Books
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
By Sherman Alexie
New York, NY: HarperPerennial
Pg. 10:
“How do you get one hundred Indians to yell OK, shit?” James Many Horses asked as he sat in a drift on the front lawn. “Say Bingo,”
Google Groups: soc.penpals
.Heard, but I like them anyway
How do you get and old lady to say FUCK?
Get another old lady to say BINGO!
Google Groups: alt.tasteless.jokes
How do you get a sweet little 80 year old lady to say fuck?

wrote in message
> A: Get another sweet little 80 year old lady to say bingo.
Google Books
Twelve Times Blessed
By Jacquelyn Mitchard
New York, NY: HarperTorch
Pg. 11:
“How do you get three old ladies to say ‘fuck’?”
“Get a fourth one to say ‘Bingo!’”
Michelle Brewster
Son: How do you get an 80yr Nana to say ####!!. Get another 80yr old Nana to sit next to her and say BINGO
5:07 AM - 5 Apr 2009
Michelle Brewster
How do you get an 80yr old woman to say F***? Get another 80yr old woman to sit next to her and say BINGO (From my 10yr old!)
6:35 AM - 21 Apr 2009
Google Books
A Prairie Home Companion
Pretty Good Joke Book (5th Edition)

Introduced by Garrison Keillor
Minneapolis, MN: HighBridge
Pg. ?:
How do you get your grandma to swear?
Get someone else’s grandma to say, “Bingo!”
How do you get an elderly lady to say f***?
submitted October 8, 2016 by jaunsolo29
Get another one to say bingo