“Can orphans eat at a family restaurant?”

“Can orphans eat at a family restaurant?” was posted on the newsgroup alt.smouldering.dog.zone on March 23, 1998. “Can an orphan eat in a family restaurant?” was asked on the newsgroup alt.fan.dragons on October 3, 1999.
The question is mostly jocular. Although family restaurants have menu items for all family members (often with kids’ menus), any paying customer can eat there.
Other family restaurant jokes include:
. “I ate at a family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.”
. “I went to a family restaurant and they refused to serve me a family.”
Google Groups: alt.smouldering.dog.zone
From the Mind of Wagon    
Can orphans eat at a family resturant, and why is it that whenever I eat at Arby’s that I buy curly fries and there are two little french fries down at the bottom? 
Google Groups: alt.fan.dragons
Off Adventuring we gooo!!!
Teflon Cougar
“Before we go any further I have some questions. Can an orphan eat in a family restaurant?”
Google Groups: alt.adoption
Can Orphans Eat At Family Restaurants?
The subject line is of no importance
Yahoo! Answers (December 4, 2008)
Can an orphan eat at a family restaurant?
Best Answer:  We all need more of these types of questions, real Philosophical and worth the contemplation.
No, orphans can not eat at family restaurants.
Kenny Garvey
wonders if orphans can eat at a family restaurant…
1:49 AM - 18 Jun 2009
Phil Brennan
Thought for the day - Can orphans eat at a family restaurant ?
2:39 AM - 9 Jul 2011
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
If your an orphan, can you eat at a family restaurant?
submitted November 2, 2014 by GTAhacker
Can orphans eat at a family restaurant?
submitted April 10, 2015 by KhaozTheseus
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
I wonder if orphans are allowed to eat at a family restaurant ?
submitted August 26, 2015 by Ryanbandy1
Can orphans go to a family restaurant? (self.Still-Sorry)
submitted December 9, 2017 by Still-Sorry
Can orphans eat at a family restaurant? 🤔🤔
11:16 AM - 19 Jul 2018