Bulldog Edition

"Bulldog edition" is the earliest edition of a Sunday newspaper. It's been recorded from 1906.

The Hearst newspapers (such as the New York American and New York Evening Journal, combined on Sunday) published an early Sunday edition known as the "pup," which was printed on Friday evening. Another Sunday edition -- the "bulldog" -- was printed on Saturday afternnon. People preferred the "bulldog" to the "pup" (printed a day earlier and less fresh), and "bulldog" came to mean any early edition of a newspaper.

(Oxford English Dictionary)
bull-dog edition, the earliest edition of a daily or Sunday newspaper. U.S.
1926 Nation 13 Oct. 342/2 This story got into the bull-dog edition of one of the papers before he could finish his midnight rounds.

28 September 1906, Hartford (CT) Courant, "The Hearst Papers" (Frederick Palmer in Collier's), pg. 18, col. 2:
The "comic sups" and the miscellany "sups" of the Sunday edition are printed many days ahead. But the first completed news section dated on Sunday goes to press on Friday night and catches the same trains as the Saturday morning papers. This edition of 125,000 is known as "the Pup," and it goes nowhere north of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi, or south of Bangor, Maine, and is, of course, for sale on Sunday morning. The second or "Bulldog" edition leaves the office on four o'clock Saturday afternoon and goes to Pittsburg, Buffalo, and other points which can not be reached by the main edition.

9 October 1910, Chicago Daily Tribune, pg. G7:
In all events I advise you to run off a couple of thousand extra of the bulldog edition, and be ready for another call after that.

January 1911, The Bookman, "The SHort Story Famine" by George Jean Nathan, pg. 538:
Write it for quick consumption, just as you would dictate it to a telegraph operator if you were a newspaper reporter "covering" a late night story and had to rush it into your office from out of town in time to catch the "bulldog" edition.

29 February 1912, New York Times, pg. 11:
A "Bull Dog" edition of "The Truth Wagon," the newspaper play that is now at Daly's Theatre, will be run off next Sunday morning for the benefit of workers on morning newspapers. In some newspaper offices the first edition of the Sunday paper is known as the "Bull Dog," hence the appellation of this special performance.

12 January 1914, Los Angeles Times, pg. I2:
Unlike its local contemporaries The Times does not publish a "bull dog" edition, or predate or misbrand its editions, and it is the only Los Angeles newspaper which regularly publishes a sworn statement of its daily and Sunday circulation.

24 January 1915, Washington Post, pg. B4:
Two blind newsboys who station themselves at Thirteenth and Market streets at midnight to sell the "bulldog" editions of the various morning newspapers, are furnishing a spectacle that would call forth from Billy Sunday some choice Sundaygrams.
(From the Philadelphia Record - ed.)

28 August 1915, Chicago Daily Tribune, pg. 10:
NOW, scholars, remember that most football games are played on Saturday, and that the bulldog edition goes to press at 6 Saturday night.

15 December 1955, Chicago Dqaily Tribune, pg. 20:
Q. - What is the bull dog edition of a morning paper? - B. S., SKokie, Ill.
A. - Usually the first edition.

2 March 1958, The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA), "Among Friends" by Bill Boni, pg. 2, col. 1:
Real Bulldog Started Bulldog Edition
The reference source for this one is a sheet put out by the General Feature corporation, whose purpose was to explain a few commonly used newspaper terms and phrases to the general public.

"A bulldog to a newspaper man is not only a special breed of dog but also the first edition of a newspaper," runs this little item. "The term is supposed to have originated a half century ago when one of the Hearst newspapers, to identify its early edition, started printing a picture of one of owner William Randolph Hearst's favorite bulldogs."