Google censorship of

Google is the most popular search engine in the United States. This website (, “The Big Apple”) has been censored for over 10 years. There is antitrust discussion of the Google search monopoly, and if anyone wants to talk to me, I am right here.
This website is called “The Big Apple” because it was started in New York City in 2004, and it has groundbreaking research on the term “Big Apple.” This website is cited in Wikipedia for “Big Apple.” This website is linked (or mentioned) to Big Apple articles on Gothamist (2020) and Gothamist (2004), The Wall Street Journal (2020), Daily Mail (UK) (2020), How Stuff Works (2020), 6sqft (2017), Untapped New York (2017), New York Public Library (2015), The New York Times (2004), Mental Floss, Dauntless Jaunter and many more websites. No other website is linked to so many places for “Big Apple.”
SUMMARY: “Why is New York called the Big Apple?” has a summary, plus over 120 original “Big Apple” articles.
Where is this “Big Apple” website on a Google search? Not anywhere in the first five Google search pages (and almost no one looks beyond the first page of search results):
. Big Apple nickname: Google search page 7. It is not the entry “SUMMARY: ‘Why is New York called the Big Apple?’”, but “The Big Apple”
. Why is New York called the Big Apple: Google search page 14. It is not the entry “SUMMARY: “Why is New York called the Big Apple?’”, but “The Big Apple”
For the month of May (May 1-17, 2020), Google Analytics says that there are 3 “Big Apple” search results.
400+ Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic quotes, jokes, riddles, puns, pickup lines, memes, etc., Parts 1-3 was added in 2020 and is the best such Coronavirus page on the internet. For the month of May (May 1-17, 2020), Google Analytics says that there are 3 “Coronavirus” search results.
More Google search results:
. Coronavirus quotes: Not in the first 10 Google search pages.
. Coronavirus jokes: Not in the first 10 Google search pages.
. Coronavirus puns: Not in the first 10 Google search pages.
. Coronavirus riddles: Not in the first 10 Google search pages.
. Coronavirus jokes, puns: Not in the first 10 Google search pages.
. Coronavirus jokes, quotes: Not in the first 10 Google search pages.
. Coronavirus jokes, riddles: Google search page 10.
. Coronavirus jokes, puns, riddles: Not in Google’s 9 pages of search results.
. Coronavirus jokes, puns, riddles, quotes: Google search page 2, at the very bottom.
. Coronavirus jokes, puns, riddles, quotes, acronyms: Google search page 1, 7th result, although it is the only result containing all of these search terms.
. Coronavirus jokes, puns, riddles, quotes, acronyms, anagrams: Google search page 1, 3rd result, although it is the only result containing all of these search terms.
. Coronavirus jokes, puns, riddles, quotes, acronyms, anagrams, portmanteaus: Google search page 1, 2nd result, although the top result does not have “riddles, “acronyms,” “anagrams,” or “portmanteaus.”
. Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic quotes, jokes, riddles, puns, pickup lines, memes, etc.: This is the exact title of an article in three parts. Google search page 1, 5th result. The top result (NPR) does not have “quotes,” “jokes,” “riddles,” “puns,” or “memes” in the title, or anywhere in the article. The other top results (Huffington Post, Miami Herald, Man of Many) do not have the multiple search terms, either.
. Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic quotes, jokes, riddles, puns, pickup lines, memes, etc. barrypopik: Google search page 1, 2nd result. The top result is still NPR, even if you search for this exact title with “barrypopik.”
The “Big Apple” work—the best work anywhere, and on this website since 2004—is buried by Google.
The “Coronavirus” work—the best work anywhere, with over 400 entries, all with historical citations—is buried by Google.
There is no one at Google to talk to. There are many other ways that Google censors this website.
Please share whatever you see here because this website is not allowed to get any pageviews or to make any money, even to pay expenses.
There are now over 600 Coronavirus entries. A Google Analytics organic search check for “coronavirus” and “corona virus” and “virus” for the month of June 2020 (30 days) shows that there are zero pageviews. Not one. Nothing.
There are now over 700 Coronavirus entries. A Google Analytics organic search check for “coronavirus” and “corona virus” and “virus” and “Covid” for the month of September 2020 (30 days) shows that there are zero pageviews. Not one. Nothing.
A Google search for “coronavirus” + “jokes” + “riddles” shows this website on Google search page six. On the first Google search page (the “best” search results) are such entries as “49 Coronavirus and Quarantine Jokes to Retrain Your Face” (the top entry, even though it does not contain the search word “riddles”) and “101 Coronavirus Jokes: Laughing Your Way Through ...” and “50 Coronavirus Jokes That Should Help You Get Through ...” (also without the search word “riddles”) and “13 corny grandpa jokes to help you feel better about the ...” (also without the search word “riddles”). When you add the word “puns” to the search, all of these entries are still on the first Google search page, even though three of the four entries do not contain the search word “puns.” My website is still on Google search page six.
There are now over 800 Coronavirus entries. A Google Analytics organic search check for “coronavirus” and “corona virus” and “virus” and “Covid” since November 1, 2020 (50 days) shows that there are zero pageviews. Not one. Nothing.
A Google search for “coronavirus” + “jokes” + “riddles” shows this website on Google search page nine, at the very bottom.