Zucchini Sticks

It appears that this popular appetizer began in a New York City restaurant, probably Theodore's.

19 February 1949, New York Herald Tribune, pg. 11, col. 6:
She folds the veal turnover style, sautes the (Col. 7--ed.) pieces in butter, and quickly now to a dangerously hot platter along with French fried zucchini sticks, French fried mushrooms and a rice croquette.
(Served at Squeri's, 305 East Fiftieth Street--ed.)

24 December 1949, NY Herald Tribune, pg. 11, col. 7:
...Theodore's Restaurant, 4 East Fifty-sixth Street. (Col. 8-ed.)Unusual among the vegetables is French fried sticks of eggplant, also zucchini.