“You’re a fake, a phony, and a fraud” (talk radio catchphrase)

“You’re a fake, a phony, and a fraud!” was a catchphrase of conservative radio talk show host Bob Grant (1929-2013). It’s not known when Grant first used it, but “you’re a fake, a phony, and a fraud” was cited in print in 1993. Grant would use his catchphrase to a caller he disliked, or to describe someone in the news that Grant disliked.
Conservative radio talk show host Tom Marr called New Jersey Governor Chris Christie a “fake, phony, and a fraud” in 2011.
Wikipedia: Bob Grant (radio)
Bob Grant (March 14, 1929 - December 31, 2013) was an American radio host whose real name was Robert Ciro Gigante. A veteran of broadcasting in New York City, Grant is considered a pioneer of the “conservative” and “confrontational” talk radio format.
Characteristics of Grant’s radio shows
Grant’s political philosophy generally followed American conservatism, but with some lurches into populism, libertarianism, conspiracy theory, and unorthodoxy (such as being pro-choice and anti-Flag Desecration Amendment). Grant was known for using a number of catchphrases on his show, such as “You’re a fake, a phony, and a fraud!”, “Straight ahead”, “Get off my phone!”, “Anything and everything is grist for our ever-grinding mill”, and his closing line, “Your influence counts. Use it.”
Google Books
Raffles, the bird who thinks he is a person
By Zetta Robart Wells and Carveth Wells
New York, NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons
Pg. 86:
“I’ve had enough of your talking pets, Morgan. First it was pigeons, then mice, and now birds. You’re a fraud, a phony, and a fake!”
Google Books
All Talk:
The Talkshow in Media Culture

By Wayne Munson
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press
Pg. 7:
WABC New York’s Bob Grant is an irascible master of the caller putdown (“you’re a fake, a phony, and a fraud”).
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer
Whitman Is Cutting Ties To Radio Host Bob Grant Is Biased, Protesting Black Clergy Said. A Past Guest, Whitman Says She Was Shocked To Learn That.
POSTED: October 22, 1994
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., according to Grant, was a “a fake, a phony and a fraud.”
Google Books
Volume 4, Issues 34-48
Pg. 42 (“Grant’s Tomb”):
“You’re a fake, a fraud and a phony.”
Thee Rant
Obama is no Ronnie Ray-gun
King of Queens
Nov 2 09 2:17 PM
“COOL AUX” that story about Reegan has been around for 20 years….......The MAN was an actor and used it as president BUT was smart enough to know when the American people wanted him to “act” or not. He knew what was right from wrong. Believe me I know he was a real pro at both. Obama showed his true asinine ways by allowing that photo to be taken. He is a fake,phoney, and a fraud as the great Bob Grant would say.
The Right Scoop
Chris Christie is a fake, phony, and a fraud?
Posted on Jan 22, 2011 at 11:39 AM in Politics
By The Right Scoop
Tom Marr substituted for Mark Levin on Thursday and just raked Christie over the coals on a variety of issues, including illegal immigration, dining with the Chinese President, and pandering to radical Islam.
“You’re a fake, a phony, and a fraud!”, RIP Robert Ciro Gigante
5:54 PM - 2 Jan 14