“Your glass is empty. Would you like another?”/“Why would I want two empty glasses?”

A bar joke is:
BARTENDER: I see that your glass is empty. Would you like another?
BAR CUSTOMER: Why would I want two empty glasses?

The joke was posted on Twitter on September 29, 2010, and went viral in October 2011.
Māris Munkevics
Bartender: Your glass is empty! Would you like another one?
Customer: Why would I want two empty glasses???
5:10 PM - 29 Sep 2010
Anthony Benfield
Barman says to Paddy “You have an empty glass, would you like another?”
Paddy replies “Why the fuck would I want two empty glasses?”
6:36 AM - 27 Oct 2011
Barman says to Paddy"You have an empty glass,would you like another?“Paddy replies"Why the fuck would I want two empty glasses?”
6:54 AM - 27 Oct 2011
Barman says to Paddy “You have an empty glass, would you like another?“Paddy replies “Why the hell would I want two empty glasses?”
9:31 AM - 27 Oct 2011
In the pub earlier, the barman said"I see your glass is empty, would you like another one?” Why would I want two empty glasses? I thought
5:31 AM - 16 Nov 2016
Google Books
3000 Jokes, 2997 Laughs
By Mike Haskins
London, UK: Portico
Pg. ?:
Harry is sitting finishing a drink in the pub. Tom walks in, notices Harry’s drink and says, ‘I see your glass is empty. do you want another?’ ‘Don’t be stupid,’ says Harry, ‘why would I want two empty glasses?’
Reddit—Dad Jokes
The bartender said ” you have an empty glass, do you want another one?” Why would i want two empty glasses (self.dadjokes)
submitted July 19, 2017 by eternalrocket
Reddit—Dad Jokes
We were eating dinner tonight, when my daughter said to me, “I see your glass is empty. Would you like another one?” (self.dadjokes)
submitted October 16, 2017 by madazzahatter
I said, “Why would I want two empty glasses?”
Guy is sitting in a bar when the bartender notices the empty glass in front of him. “Care for another?” the bartender asks.
submitted December 6, 2017 by cheluhu
Guy replies “why would I want two empty glasses?”
Google Books
Dad Jokes:
Good, Clean Fun for All Ages!

By Jimmy Niro
Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, Inc.
Pg. ?:
“Dad, your glass of juice is empty. DO you want another one?
“Why would I want two empty glasses?”
lorraine Jo King
#sillysaturday I was in a bar last night when the bartender said to me, “I see your glass is empty. Would you like another one?”
I said, “Why would I want two empty glasses?”
6:56 AM - 28 Apr 2018