“You only get paid for done”

“You (only) get paid for done” is a saying popularized by personal trainer and performance coach Dax Moy. “You only get paid for done” means that you get paid for results (“done”) and not what you attempt. The saying first became popular in the fitness world, later becoming a more general business proverb.
“You only get paid for done” has been used by Dax Moy since at least 2007-2008.
Wikipedia: Dax Moy
Dax Moy (born 20 September 1970) is a British born performance coach and personal trainer with several personal training studios in the UK.
The Magic Hundred
Sunday, 14 September 2008
You Only Get Rewards For ‘Done’!
I originally posted this on my personal trainer success blog but I got so many emails about it that I thought I’d post it here too…
The truth of the matter is, you only get paid for what you’ve DONE.
It bears repeating; you only get paid for DONE.
Dax Moy
Get It Done Fitness
Saturday, September 20, 2008
random thoughts
what a day! i was at the ryan lee bootcamp and it all just went down. I got to talk and listen to just about every fitness mastermind today and i’m beat! i learned one thing today that i’ll never forget and thats to just do! like nike, just do it! because if you stand around thinking about it or procrastinate then it never gets done. it goes for every aspect of your life in general. health, education, job, family its all interconnected. so if you can learn one important rule in life remember this, you only get paid for done, not doing…
Eyewitness Fitness
Saturday, September 20, 2008
“You get paid for done”
This was the closing sentence of the weekend event I’ve been posting about - almost everyone left the conference room with a ‘glazed-over-I-probably-shouldn’t-drive’ look.
John Hall Studios
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Action! A word that is truely taken for granted. I was thinking about the bootcamp that I attended this weekend and the resounding message was you must take action. I have had many great ideas and have let them sit on the back burner and that is still where they lie.
I was listening to one speaker at the end of a great weekend of learning and Dax Moy made one comment that will stick with me forever; you only get paid for done, you only get paid for done.
Warrior Forum
12-04-2008, 04:14 AM
Re: I Finally Did It…And I’m Darn Proud Too
One of the people I respect in the fitness marketing industry (Dax Moy) just hammered a great point home to me:
“You get paid for done”
Muscle In a Month
Monday, 9 February 2009
Ok the big Muscle in a Month challenge has begun. I saw the workout and I asked myself what the hell did I get myself into.
56 sets and 90 mins later my thoughts of Dax certainly changed would not let you know what I was saying ( not for very long though). Yes it was hard and yes it would have been much easier to give up on this first day. But as Dax would say you get paid for done.
Fitness Marketing Made Simple
Fitness Marketing Success: You Only Get Paid For Done!
This entry was posted on Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 at 10:02 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
Fit Business Insider
5 Rules To Live By In Business
17 February 2010 - by admin
So here are 5 of my favorite rules for business and a sentence or two about what they mean:
1. You get paid for done. You don’t get anything for having a great idea, getting started or developing a plan.  The finish is what matters.  You only reap the rewards when you get done.