You Have No Idea (El Paso slogan)

“You have no idea” is the 2007 slogan for El Paso. City leaders discovered that many people (both Texans and non-Texans) had no idea what El Paso was like.
A previous El Paso slogan was “Do Texas Different.”
El Paso Times
Leaders seek to make El Paso better known
By Vic Kolenc / El Paso Times
Article Launched: 04/22/2007 12:00:00 AM MDT
El Paso officials are developing a branding campaign for the city in hopes of improving its image outside and within El Paso. The campaign’s theme will revolve around this tag line: “El Paso, Texas—You Have No Idea.”
The campaign is the result of market research that found people in several cities had “no or little familiarity with this community, or a not-so-positive perception of the community,” El Paso City Manager Joyce Wilson said. 
The “You Have No Idea” tag line, along with a logo featuring a cactus and a silhouette of the mountains, was produced by Morris Pittle, owner of TwoTon Creativity, an El Paso advertising agency.
Pittle said the tag line and logo grew out of research and personal experience of people saying they had no idea what El Paso is about. The tag line and logo will be part of an effort aimed at educating both outsiders and El Pasoans on what El Paso has to offer and to get people to make an emotional connection to the city, he said.
Pittle said he sees the El Paso campaign keying on the “uniqueness of El Paso’s culture” and the fact that we are the “largest international community in North America.”
Bill Blaziek, general manager of the El Paso Convention and Visitors Bureau, said the bureau will dump its “El Paso—Do Texas Different” slogan when the “You Have No Idea” campaign is launched.
“I think it’s a great tag. It’s a door opener that gives us entries so we can describe the many attributes of El Paso,” said Blaziek, whose agency has a $550,000 marketing budget.