“You can beat a race, but you can’t beat the races”

Entry in progress—B.P.
Google Books
Oh, Doctor!
A Novel

By Harry Leon Wilson
New York, NY: Cosmopolitan Book Corporation
Pg. 123:
“You can beat a race,” she said, “but you can’t beat the races.”
Google Books
The Dream Team
By Joe McGinniss
New York, NY: Random House
Pg. 156:
From the day I reached the age of reason, all I’ve heard is how you can’t beat the horses. You can beat a race but you can’t beat the races. I think it was printed in my first-grade catechism.
“Well, goddamn it, you can beat the races!”
@702Raycing “Can beat a race but can’t beat the races” SA increases takeout to make it even harder. They’re not stupid.
2:31 PM - 29 Jun 2015