“You are your best career adviser”

“You are your best career adviser/counselor/manager” is a popular saying in human resources. “You are your best career manager” was cited in print in a 1986 U.S. military publication and “The old adage that you are your best career manager is quite true” was cited in 1990 in another military publication. The military offers advice on military and civilian careers, but it’s up to the individual to plot the course.
“You are your best career advisor” was cited in the September 1987 issue of Working Mother and referred to private sector careers.
Google Books
Air Defense Artillery
U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School
Volumes 986-988
Pg. 57:
You are not imposing on us when you stop by or call for a one-on-one. You are your best career manager.
Google Books
September 1987, Working Mother, “Turning Down a Step Up” by Mary Elizabeth Terzella, pg. 22, col. 2:
“Each of us has to determine her own career priorities,” says Marilyn Moats Kennedy, managing partner in Career Strategies, a counseling firm in Wilmette, Illinois, and author of Office Warfare (Macmillan). “When you’re considering a promotion, don’t ask your husband, friends or colleagues for advice, except to help you sort out the possible consequences of a new job. You are your best career advisor.”
Google Books
Transportation Corps
Office of the Chief of Transportation
Pg. 3:
The old adage that you are your best career manager is quite true. There are just too many officers for us to intensively manage each of you. Therefore, it is vitally important that you have a grasp on your own career, know where you want it to go, and try and influence the assignment process to accomplish your objectives.
Locker Gnome
You Are Your Best Career Counselor
November 23, 2007  
I’m not the person you should be asking for career advice. The person you should be asking is the one you look at in the mirror. Take control of your future, and your destiny.
Gulf News (UAE)
You are your best career adviser
Advice that has worked for others may not necessarily work for you. Helpful suggestions must be sensible and practical

By Rania Oteify, Special to Gulf News
Published: 00:00 August 27, 2011
You can surf the internet, read books and watch this space for career advice, but at the end of the day listen only to what makes sense and agrees with your personality.
Military to Civilian Transition Thoughts
Posted on August 12, 2013
Career Management & Choices.  Most branches of the military use some form of career or assignment manager, but the old adage is that you are your best career manager.  In the civilian world, you are your only career manager, and there are infinite career paths to take.  This is both scary and exciting.
Keys to Success
68E: You are Your Best Career Manager

by Brad Johnson on 16 June 2014
Whose Career Is It Anyway?
By Martha Austin • December 22, 2014
If you are, it’s time to take a look at who is in charge of your career: you or your organization. Most of us have heard the old saying, “YOU are your best career development officer!”