“Working out is like a drug to me. I don’t do drugs”

Many people are addicted to working out. “Running is like taking a drug” was printed in the Edmonton (Alberta) Journal on April 26, 1977. “Working out is like a drug” is a saying that was printed in the Reno (NV) Gazette-Journal on June 20, 1985. “Working out is like a drug to me” was printed in the Daily News (New York, NY) on July 14, 1985.
“Running is like a drug, and I don’t want to do either” was posted on Twitter by Luke Abercrombie on March 18, 2012. “’@WorkoutHumor: Working out is like a drug. If I haven’t been to the gym in days I start to go crazy.’  ha ha ha I don’t do drugs” was posted on Twitter by Melissa Alanis on December 16, 2012. “People say working out is like a drug. I don’t do drugs” was posted on Twitter by Max Cardilla on February 8, 2013. “Working out is like a drug to me. I don’t do drugs” was posted on Reddit—Dadjokes on April 30, 2019.
26 April 1977, Edmonton (Alberta) Journal, “Running” by John Dodd, pg. 29, col. 2:
Many enjoy training so much they can get withdrawal symptoms, just like a junkie, if forced to lay off for awhile.
“Running is like taking a drug,” says (Peter—ed.) Moore, 29, who has been at it for 10 years.
20 June 1985, Reno (NV) Gazette-Journal, “This cowboy’s hooked on fitness” by Paul Bauman, pg. 7A, col. 1:
“Working out is like a drug,” said (Dave—ed.) Appleton, a 25-year-old native of Australia. “It gets addicting, especially when you start noticing the results. You wake up and you feel stronger.”
14 July 1985, Daily News (New York, NY), “Judo champion a real knockout on and off matt” by Joe Glickman, pg. 84, col. 3:
“Working out is like a drug to me,” she (Ingrid Berghmans—ed.) says. “I like it more than competitions.”
9 April 1989, Detroit (MI) Free Press, “How Fast DOes a Zamboni Go? and other Red Wings Trivia” by Keith Gave, magazine sec., pg. 17, col. 1:
Which Red Wing is in the best physical condition?
Gilbert Delorme, whose daily regimen includes 200 situps and 150 pushups—at home. “Working out is like a drug,” he says. “If I don’t do it, I go crazy.”
Google Groups: rec.running
Help! I am sick of running!
Josh Cartwright
Be proud you’re a runner, think of how you know that when you’re doin’ it you can got out and race someone and kick their ass! It’s a great feeling!  Think of how much you want that feeling! Of how running is like a drug! Go out there run like hell to the point where you actually get a runners high!
Cliche` Guevara
I must say.. Working out is like a drug #addicted
10:55 PM - 28 Apr 2011
Terrell Smith
working out is like a drug..I don’t feel right without it
1:00 PM - 14 Jun 2011
Luke Abercrombie
Running is like a drug, and I don’t want to do either.
3:17 PM - 18 Mar 2012
Brandon Kenny
Working out is like a drug, I need my daily dose
8:48 AM - 26 Jun 2012
Gym Problems
Working out is like a drug. If I haven’t been to the gym in days I start to go crazy… #GymProblemz
10:04 AM - 21 Sep 2012
Melissa Alanis
“@WorkoutHumor: Working out is like a drug. If I haven’t been to the gym in days I start to go crazy.”  ha ha ha I don’t do drugs
9:33 PM - 16 Dec 2012
Max Cardilla
People say working out is like a drug. I don’t do drugs, my body is a temple. A horribly out of shape temple.
7:41 PM - 8 Feb 2013
Why You Should Work Out At Least Three Times A Week
Once you start you will want to go more than three times a week, maybe twice a day.

Sydney K. Smith
Mar 21, 2016
At @armstrong-state-university
Working out is like a drug, once your hooked you put it before EVERYTHING.
Running is like a drug….thankfully I don’t do drugs. #LondonMarathon
8:17 AM - 23 Apr 2017
𝙨𝙖𝙚 69
working out is like a drug to me
i don’t do drugs
6:33 PM - 18 Nov 2017
Ole FatButter
i once heard “working out is like a drug”... i don’t do drugs
10:35 AM - 9 Jun 2018
Posted by u/eskipepsi April 30, 2019
Working out is like a drug to me
I don’t do drugs
Posted by u/Quint_Cordewener June 18, 2019
Working out is like a drug to me.
I don’t do drugs.
QT@Anon 🌟 🌟 🌟
Working out is like a drug to me.
I don’t do drugs.
9:25 AM - 20 Jun 2019
By laffgaff June 22, 2019
Working Out Joke
Working out is like a drug to me.
I don’t do drugs.