“Winter is the only season that comes twice a year”

Winter includes the month of January (the first month of the year) and also the month of December (the last month of the year). “Did you know winter is the only season that ‘comes’ twice a year?” was posted on the newsgroup alt.paranormal.crop-circles on December 26, 2001. “Winter is the only season that comes twice a year” was posted on Twitter on December 31, 2011.
“Winter is the only season that comes twice a year” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on December 2, 2013. It has been pointed out that this saying applies only to the northern hemisphere.
Google Groups: alt.paranormal.crop-circles
Ho ho ho!     
Twan Kee
Did you know winter is the only season that ‘comes’ twice a year?
i just realized..winter is the only season that comes twice a year. not that i thought all of them did,i just realized that winter did.weird
5:59 AM - 20 Jan 2011
Kyd Lilee
Yo yo twitter.aye winter the only season that comes twice a year
8:25 PM - 12 Mar 2011
Taylor Kehren
Winter is the only season that comes twice a year..
11:55 PM - 31 Dec 2011
Winter the only season that comes twice a year👌👌👌
7:06 PM - 27 Jun 2012
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Winter is the only season that comes twice a year
submitted December 2, 2013 by shaneous
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Winter is an odd season because we get it twice a year.
submitted September 4, 2014 by Djkarasu
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Winter is the only season that comes around twice a year
submitted January 8, 2015 by Miniman2k
...in the Northern Hemisphere at least.
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Winter is the only season that comes twice a year.
submitted September 10, 2015 by OverTheAir7149
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Winter is the only season that comes twice a year.
submitted September 29, 2015 by Pezking343
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Winter is the only season that comes twice a year…
submitted January 11, 2016 by Oddball_bfi
... In the northern hemisphere.
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Winter is the only season that comes twice a year.
submitted March 27, 2018 by The_Russian_Empire
Unless you’re in Australia.