“Winning takes care of everything”

Nike sports apparel did a 2013 advertising campaign featuring golfing professional Tiger Woods and the tagline, “Winning takes care of everything.” Woods had committed well-publicized marital infidelities, and some critics of the advertisements argued that winning does not “take care of everything.” Tiger Woods had said “winning takes care of everything” since at least 2007—two years before his marriage infidelities made national headlines in 2009.
“Winning takes care of everything” means that, for all the aches and pains and animosities from competition, winning at least justifies the experience. “He casts himself as a rock-nosed grumbler who believes that winning takes care of everything” was cited in print in 1963 and said of Navy football coach Wayne Hardin. “Winning takes care of everything” was said in 1968 by University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal.
“Winning takes care of everything” also means that a team can best control its own destiny by winning its games, without worrying, for example, if certain rivals lose their games. ‘‘We’ve been the No. 1 team in both the major polls all season and we’re just going to keep working hard to try to win games. Winning takes care of everything” was said by a college football coach in 1998.
Sports Illustrated
December 02, 1963
A Setting For Greatness At Philadelphia
The Army and the Navy have met on the football field 63 times in the last 73 years. Seldom has either service possessed a star of greater magnitude than Navy’s Roger Staubach (at left, with Coach Wayne Hardin), a midshipman who speaks not but does everything

Dan Jenkins
Hardin became head coach in 1959 at the age of 32 after serving four years as an assistant to Eddie Erdelatz. He is a red-haired Californian who played at College of the Pacific, but his manner would make anyone believe he was reared on a military post. “I believe in Navy,” he says. “When I stop believing in it I’ll leave.” Hardin has a lightly freckled, round face and agate eyes. His voice is soft, but his speech is rapid. In an age of public-relations-minded coaches, he casts himself as a rock-nosed grumbler who believes that winning takes care of everything. So far it has for him. Going into the Army game, Hardin has won 34, lost 14 and tied one.
Sports Illustrated
October 28, 1968
It Took A Street To Get Texas On The Road
There has been controversy over his tactics and dismay over his record, but Texas Coach Darrell Royal went one up on his detractors when his Longhorns ran all over pass-minded Arkansas

Dan Jenkins
On Friday night before the game Royal had answers for all of his critics. “I’ll go out of this business saying the same things,” Royal began. “Give me an O.J. Simpson and I’ll show you a coaching genius. Winning takes care of everything, and you’ve got to try to win with the talent you have available.”
23 January 1974, The Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, NY), “Csonka Still Hurts From Game” by Milton Richman,  pg. 7, col. 4:
NEW YORK (UPI)—Somebody once said winning takes care of everything, you don’t even feel those aches and pains so much.
Larry Csonka would like to meet that somebody.
13 September 1976, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), “Dallas Raps Eagles,” sec. 2, pg. 6, col. 6:
Noting that several of the Giants had made bitter remarks about Washington in the week prior to the game, Allen said: “There’s nothing better than to make people eat their words. Winning takes care of everything.”
(Washing Redskins coach George Allen—ed.)
Google News Archive
22 March 1980, Windsor (Ontario) Star, “Ill-fated Marriage Ends In Lindsay-Kromm Divorce” by Jim McKay, pg. C1, col. 2:
“Of course, the old saying goes, winning takes care of everything. If we could have gotten into a winning situation, everything would be rosy.”
(Ted Lindsay, Vancouver Canucks general manager—ed.)
New York (NY) Times
ON BASEBALL; Showalter, Once Master of Control, Is Losing It
By Jack Curry
Published: July 23, 1995
“Winning hides a lot,” said Randy Velarde. “When you lose, especially here, the smallest things get magnified 10 times.”
But when you win, trouble disappears.
“We had these same problems in 1978,” said Steinbrenner. “Clubhouse harmony and team chemistry are trite, overused phrases. Winning takes care of everything. Winning is chemistry.”
New York (NY) Times
COLLEGE FOOTBALL; New Poll, New Math and That New College Try
Published: October 27, 1998
’‘We can’t worry about the B.C.S. rating, just like we can’t worry about our rankings in the national polls,’’ Ohio State Coach John Cooper said. ‘‘I can say that we are happy to be ranked as high as we are in the polls.
’‘We’ve been the No. 1 team in both the major polls all season and we’re just going to keep working hard to try to win games. Winning takes care of everything.’‘
The Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, IN)
Published: September 10, 2007 5:11 a.m.
Woods drives off with BMW
Takes over lead in FedEx Cup

Associated Press
LEMONT, Ill. – Playing next to Tiger Woods for two days was daunting enough
“Winning takes care of everything,” Woods said, whose best is a runner-up at East Lake.
Staten Island (NY) Advance
Nike’s Tiger Woods ‘Winning takes care of everything’ ad draws critics (photo gallery)
By Associated Press
on March 26, 2013 at 1:45 PM, updated March 26, 2013 at 2:59 PM
Maybe winning doesn’t take care of everything.
Nike is causing a social media storm with its latest online ad showing a picture of Tiger Woods overlaid with a quote from him, “Winning takes care of everything.” Woods has used the phrase with reporters since at least 2009 when they ask him about rankings.
3/27/2013 @ 7:51PM
Tiger Woods, Nike And Winning
By Kurt Badenhausen
Nike launched a new ad campaign this week featuring Tiger Woods with the slogan: “Winning takes care of everything.” It follows Woods’ return to the No. 1 ranking in the world golf rankings for the first time since October, 2010. It echos a familiar Woods quote trotted out whenever he was asked about his struggles on the course. But the critics are out in full force arguing the ad sweeps away all of Woods’ transgressions that were revealed after his 2009 Thanksgiving car accident.