Wilding (“Central Park Jogger” incident)

In April 1989, a woman was assaulted and raped while she was jogging in Central Park. The press quickly referred to the victim as the "Central Park Jogger" and to the incident with a new word--"wilding."

I Am The Central Park Jogger (Scribner, 2003), by Trisha Meili, is the victim's account of what happened.

(Oxford English Dictionary)
wilding, n.
[f. WILD a. + -ING1 (see also quot. 19902).]
The action or practice by a gang of youths of going on a protracted and violent rampage in a street, park, or other public place, attacking or mugging people at random along the way; also, an instance of this.

1989 N.Y. Times 22 Apr. 1/1 Some of the 20 youths brought in for questioning had told investigators that the crime spree was the product of a pastime called 'wilding'. 'It's not a term that we in the police had heard before,' the chief said. 1989 Austin (Texas) Amer.-Statesman 29 Apr. C4/3 Seven teen-agers are now charged as members of the gang who brutalized the woman during a night of 'wilding'. 1990 N.Y. Times 13 Jan. 27/1 There has been little response by the city government to the wide-spread concern over wilding in general. 1990 Sunday Correspondent 17 June 14/8 Because one of the defendants muttered something about Wild Thing - a rap version of an ancient hit song - there was a brief spasm of excitement about a possible new phenomenon known as 'Wilding'.