“Why was the little girl sad after the race?”/“Because an egg beater.”

An egg riddle (popular at Easter) is:
Q: Why was the little girl sad after the race?
A: Because an egg beater.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 2010.
Its All Humor
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Easter egg jokes
Q. Why was the little girl sad after the race?
A. Because an egg beater!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
These jokes will crack you up…
6. Why was the little girl sad after the race?
- because an egg…. beat her!
Q. Why was the little girl sad after the race? A. Because an egg beater!
6:16 AM - 20 Apr 2011
Happy Easter Jokes Q: Why was the little girl sad after the race?
A: Because an egg beater!
5:34 PM - 7 Apr 2012
Marissa Butler‏
Happy Easter!!! & you can’t have Easter w/out a pun:
Q. Why was the little girl sad after the race?
A. Because an egg beater!
8:58 AM - 8 Apr 2012
My Town Tutors
Easter Jokes: Great Jokes to Share on Easter
Posted on April 17, 2014
77. Why was the little girl sad after the race? … Because an egg beater!
Google Books
Easter Egg Jokes For Kids
By Peter Crumpton
PeteyRF Creative
Pg. ?:
Why was the little girl sad after the race?
Because an egg beater!
12 April 2017, The Border Chronicle (Bordertown, Australia), pg. 9:
Why was the little girl sad after the race? Because an egg beater!