“Why was the blonde late for work?”/“She was stranded on the broken escalator.”

A “dumb blonde” joke that involves an escalator is:
Q: Why was the blonde late for work?
A: She was stranded on the broken escalator.

“Why was the stupid man late for work? The escalator got stuck” was cited in a newspaper feature in 1978. The blonde joke was cited on Twitter on July 10, 2009.
“Escalators don’t break down. They just turn into stairs,” “What does an escalator say when it stops working?”/“Nothing, it just stairs” and “What happened when the escalator broke down?”/“Everyone stopped and staired!” are other escalator jokes.
Goole News Archive
8 December 1978, The Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg, VA), “Fun Time—The Riddle Box,” pg. 17, col. 4:
Why was the stupid man late for work?
The escalator got stuck.
Why was the blonde late for work? She was stranded on the broken escalator.
8:11 PM - 10 Jul 2009
Q: Why was the blonde late for work?
A: She was stranded on the broken escalator.
5:25 PM - 6 Sep 2009
Why# was the #blond late for work? She was stranded on the broken escalator.
7:20 PM - 9 Oct 2009
Mia Sidener
April 8, 2015 ·
Q: Why was the blonde late for work? A: She was stranded on the broken escalator.
Jokes - Why was the blonde late for work? She was stranded on the broken escalator.
Published on Aug 13, 2015
Joke :
Why was the blonde late for work?
She was stranded on the broken escalator.