“Why is New York City called ‘The Big Apple?’ Wrong answers only” (2021)

The New-York Historical Society asked on Twitter on June 2, 2021:
“Why is New York City called ‘The Big Apple?’ Wrong answers only.” 
[NOTE: This is one of over 250 “Big Apple” articles. See “Why is New York City called the Big Apple.” “Big Apple” citations are listed by year.]
New-York Historical Society
Why is New York City called “The Big Apple?”
Wrong answers only.
9:30 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Sprout Social
Tourguide J
Replying to @NYHistory
The Big Kielbasa was taken.
9:32 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
ilhan citak
Replying to @NYHistory
Manhattan means crabapple in Native American language.
9:32 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter Web App
things fall apart (total landscaping)
Replying to @NYHistory
In 1848, Phineas Taylor Barnum was trying to encourage people to visit his American Museum by exhibiting A Gigantic Apple, Grown in Greenwich Village. It was a hit.
9:35 AM · Jun 2, 2021 from Philadelphia, PA·Twitter for Android

Sean O’Brien
Replying to @NYHistory
When New York was still New Amsterdam, apples were a form of currency.
9:39 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Citizen of Vaccination Nation
Replying to @NYHistory
Governor Petrus (“Pete”) Stuyvesant lost his leg when he was hit by a big apple on the Bouwerie Road during a rambunctious version of Dutch apple-ball in 1750.
9:40 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter Web App
heather andrews
Replying to @NYHistory
In 1983, Ed Koch hastily signed an agreement with an emerging computer company from California. He thought the computers would be called New York Computers, but when the lawyers reviewed the contracts, they found he had signed away the city’s naming rights.
9:44 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter Web App
Yumi Tanaka
Replying to @NYHistory
There was a brief history the city was called “New Orange” but people preferred Apple because of the Apple Cider (Hard cider).
10:13 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter Web App
Replying to @NYHistory
Bc Mets home run logo us Big Apple
10:36 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Replying to @NYHistory
Because Robert Moses bulldozed an orchard.
10:46 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
All vaxxed up, with nowhere to go.
Replying to @NYHistory
Apple farm land investment boondoggle run by Tammany Hall.
10:57 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter for Android
Jean Blakey
Replying to @NYHistory
When the Statue of Liberty was erected it was said that New York was the apple of her huge eyes.
11:09 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter Web App
Tasha Tartaglia
Replying to @NYHistory
The original King kong was eating a giant apple when he climbed to top of the empire state building and it was left it up there after they shot him down
11:41 AM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter for Android
jefferson franco ♬
Replying to @NYHistory
Because it has the biggest Apple Store of the world.
11:49 PM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter Web App
Michael IrisOwl
Replying to @NYHistory
The Dutch traded apples for the island with the natives.
1:17 PM · Jun 2, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Dr. Chris Danielson
Replying to @NYHistory
Because until the annexation of the Oregon Country in 1846, it was the leading cultivator of apple orchards in the antebellum United States.
8:58 AM · Jun 3, 2021·Twitter for iPhone